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Our 2019 Google Summer of Code Students

Previous Post | Tuesday, 7 May 2019 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

Krita, part of KDE, takes part in the fourteenth edition of Google Summer of Code. Four students will be working on a wide variety of  projects. Here's the shortlist:

Sharaf Zaman will be working on porting Krita to Android. In fact, he already has a port of Krita for Android that already starts on some devices! The port is still missing libraries, scripts to automate building the dependencies and Krita: the first goal of the project is have a dependable, reproducible way of building Krita for Android. Initially, we won't do much if any work on a nice tablet GUI.

Tusooa Zhu will work on a radical change of Krita's undo system. This will lead in the end to a history brush system and a system where you can continue from any history state of your image. This is rather a big and complex project, so it's more like initial research into the possibilities.

Kuntal Majumder will be working on implementing a magnetic lasso selection tool for Krita. We already had a magnetic lasso tool, but that broke when we ported Krita to Qt 4 back in 2006, 2007... And we have tried once more to implement a new magnetic lasso selection tool, but that project was never finished. Third time should be the lucky time!

Alberto Eleuterio Flores Guerrero will be extending making it possible to use an SVG file as input for brush engines, so you can have an animated brush tip that can scale without loss of quality.