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Krita 4.1.3 Released

Previous Post | Thursday, 27 September 2018 | Reading time: 10 minutes | Next Post

Today we're releasing the latest version of Krita! In the middle of our 2018 fundraiser campaign, we've found the time to prepare Krita 4.1.3. There are about a hundred fixes, so it's a pretty important release and we urge everyone to update! Please join the 2018 fundraiser as well, so we can continue to fix bugs!

Now you might be wondering where Krita 4.1.2 went to... The answer is that we had 4.1.2 prepared, but the Windows builds were broken because of a change in the build infrastructure. While we were fixing that, Dmitry made a couple of bug fixes we really wanted to release immediately, like an issue where multiline centered text would be squashed into a single line when you'd edit the text. So we went and created a new version, 4.1.3!

Krita 4.1.3 is a bug fix release, so that's the most important thing, but there are also some new things as well.

The first of these is the new welcome screen, by Scott Petrovic. You get some handy links, a list of recently used files, a link to create or open a file and a hint that you can also drag and drop images in the empty window to open them.

Dmitry Kazakov has worked like crazy fixing bugs and improving Krita in the past couple of weeks. One of the things he did was improve Instant Preview mode. Originally funded by our 2015 Kickstarter, Instant Preview works by computing a scaled-down version of the image and displaying that. But with some brushes, it would cause a little delay at the end of a stroke, or some flickering on the canvas: BUG:361448. That's fixed now, and painting really feels smoother! And for added smoothness, most of Ivan Yossi's Google Summer of Code work is also included in this release.

We've also done work on improving working with selections. Krita's selections can be defined as vectors or as a pixel mask. If you're working on a vector selection, using the figure tools, like rectangle or ellipse now add a vector to the selection, instead of rasterizing the vector selection.

The move tool has been improved so it's possible to undo the steps you've set with the move tool, instead of undo immediately placing back the layer where it originally came from. See BUG:392014.

The bezier curve tools have been improved: there is an auto-smoothing option. If you select auto-smoothing, the created curve will be not a polygon, but a smooth curve with the type of all the points set to "smooth". BUG:351787

The final new feature is round corners for the rectangle tool. Whether you're working on a pixel or a vector layer, you have an ability to set round corners for the resulting shape. BUG:335568. You could, of course, already round vector rectangles by editing the shape, but this is easier.

The Comics Project manager, a Python plugin created by Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier has seen a ton of improvements, especially when it comes to generating standard-compliant epub and acbf files. On a related note, check out Peruse, the KDE Comic Book Reader. It's a long list of improvements:

And here's the full list of fixed bugs:


Improvements to support for various file formats





Reference images tool

build system


Fixes to Krita's Core


Metadata handling

Python scripting

Resource handling


Other tools

Papercuts and UI issues



Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.


(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)

When it is updated, you can also use the Krita Lime PPA to install Krita 4.1.3 on Ubuntu and derivatives. We are working on an updated snap.


Note: the touch docker, gmic-qt and python plugins are not available on OSX.

Source code


For all downloads:


The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here (filenames ending in .sig).

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