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Updated Vote Tally!

Previous Post | Monday, 1 October 2018 | Reading time: 1 minutes | Next Post

And here's an update on voting! We're almost at 15,000 euros now, or more than four months of solid work. And this what it looks like you want us to work on!

1 – Papercuts139
2 - Brush Engines82
3 – Animation68
6 - Vector Objects and Tools44
5 – Layers42
7 – Text31
10 - Photoshop layer styles21
9 - Resource Management and Tagging16
4 - Color Management15
8 - Shortcuts and Canvas Input10

Last time we tallied the votes, the papercuts were on top as well. Probably because it's the default choice, but still. Today, Animation is now in the third place, and brush engines in the second  But Layers has dropped one place, in favour of Vector Objects and Tools. And where Resource Management and Tagging was at the bottom last time, this time, it has climbed up to eight place.

This week, we also plan to bring out a preview release of Krita 4.2. We don't have everyhing in that we want to yet -- like the updated resource handling, but there's already plenty to play with!