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New Release of Krita Gemini

Previous Post | Tuesday, 17 September 2013 | Reading time: 1 minutes | Next Post

Last week, we released Krita Gemini for Windows. It was demonstrated during Doug Fisher's keynote at IDF 2013. Check out the video of the keynote!

But Dan and Arjen haven't been resting on their laurels, so here's a new version, with bug fixes, much smoother switching and better AVX2 support!

Get your fresh Krita Gemini here! (Windows Vista and up, x86 and x64 are supported).

We got lots of questions about Krita Gemini for Linux. Because we're developing Krita Gemini in a branch of the regular Krita git repository, neither Krita Gemini nor Krita Sketch are currently included in the regular releases for Krita. We're working on merging the code back, but that'll take some time. It builds and runs fine on Linux, of course!