Third Krita Sprint Day Three
It's Tuesday already, and I'm in full work mode again... But much happened on Sunday, and during the weekend several artists around the world made great pictures with Krita, so let's go and take a look at what happened.
A Krita sprint, like a Calligra sprint, usually drops down in intensity of discussions on the Sunday. That's the day we take what we discussed on Saturday and let all the bottled-up eagerness to start hacking free rein. And so it was this time. With the difference that Animtim, Deevad and Kubuntiac were around to give advice.
Pentalis took the task to assemble, collate and put into bugzilla all the suggestions made by the artists. By the end of the day quite a few were already implemented!
In the afternoon, David Revoy started to test the Krita CMYK workflow. He often prefers to create illustration work directly in CMYK because that way he can optimize ink coverage while working, instead of having to change his drawing afterwards because of non-optimal ink spreads.
Before the Krita sprint, David already wrote a long blog post about what was needed. After some problems with finding a way to add is favourite CMYK icc profile to krita's list of profile, everything went swimmingly.
A huge image was saved as 4-channel tiff and inspected in CMYKTool and Photoshop and inspected, and this time the result was perfect. Krita turns out to be suitable for this kind of highly professional work after all!
Finally we had to leave the Blender institute. Many thanks to Ton Roosendaal for making it possible for us to have our sprint there, many thanks to KDE e.V. for sponsoring travel and hotel and to Silvio Grosso for sponsoring so much Krita development!
And lets have a look at some of the other artwork posted on the Krita forums this week. Click on the links to learn more!:
A character design study by David Revoy:
Chikita in cartoon style by Ramon Miranda:
An work-in-progress exercise in coloring and blurring by Alexey