發佈 Krita 5.1.3 修正版本
今天我們發佈了 Krita 5.1.3 版本。這是一個修正版本,不過也因為更新了一些相依程式庫而帶來了一些效能改善。我們建議使用者更新到這個版本。因為我們在發佈 5.1.2 版本前的最後一刻加入了更多問題修正,所以需要將版本編號提升至 5.1.3。 (Android 版本因技術問題而未能及時推出,因此將提供缺少數項修正的 5.1.2 版本更新。5.1.2 版本欠缺了為修正 BUG:461436 與 BUG:459510 的更動。)
- For our builds: updated to the latest LittleCMS release candidate for increased performance and correctness. A lot of other dependencies were updated as well. (更新了部分相依程式庫,其中 LittleCMS 已更新到最新的發行候選版本以獲得最新的錯誤修正和效能改進。)
- Fix using the Global Menu in the Plasma desktop when using distribution packages. BUG:408015 (修正在使用發行版軟體包時 Plasma 桌面的全域選單整合功能。)
- JPEG-XL, HEIF: Fix import/export of HDR Alpha Channels. BUG:460380 (JPEG-XL, HEIF: 修正匯入及匯出 HDR Alpha 通道。)
- JPEG-XL, HEIF: Fix clamping of normalized HDR values
- JPEG XL, HEIF: fix saving OOTF removal if it's enabled
- JPEG XL: Fix enabling HLG correction options
- JPEG-XL: Work around linear profiles having an undefined transfer function
- JPEG-XL: Optimize HDR export
- JPEG-XL: Improve compatibility with the currently experimental JPEG-XL support in Chrome
- Fix handling creating an image from clipboard when the clipboard is empty. BUG:459800
- Fix loading CSV animation files (修正匯入 CSV 動畫功能。)
- Fix paste outside of image boundaries. BUG:459111 (修正將剪貼簿內容貼上到在影像邊界外的功能。)
- Fix aliasing of brush tips at small brush sizes. (修正細小筆刷的筆尖出現紋理走樣的問題。)
- Fix issues with the Line tool. BUG:460461 (修正線條工具的問題。)
- Fix a crash on selecting and cutting/copying in a new document. BUG:457475, BUG:460954 (修正在新文件中選取並剪下、複製時出現軟體崩潰的問題。)
- Android: fix long-press producing a right-click event (Android: 修正長按時觸發右鍵點選的問題。)
- Android: handle touch events for Mirror decorations (Android: 使對稱線控制項支援觸控輪入)
- Fix a crash in the pattern fill layer. BUG:459906
- Fix foreground to background color switching of vector objects. BUG:458913
- Fix several issues in TIFF file export. BUG:459840
- Fix issues when changing color theme
- Fix saving files with extreme aspect ratios. BUG:460624 (修正儲存長寬比非常窄長的影像。)
- Fix issues in the path selection tool (修正路徑選取工具的問題。)
- Implement right-click to undo adding a point for the polyline tool (實作在折線繪製工具中使用右鍵點選以復原加入控制點。)
- Fix copy/paste with animated layers. BUG:457319, BUG:459763 (修正動畫圖層的複製、貼上功能。)
- Make it possible to import more than one bundle at a time
- Make it possible to run Krita on Linux when SELinux is enabled. BUG:459490
- Fix a crash on startup when there is a PSD file with layer styles in the recent files list. BUG:459512 (修正當最近開啟清單中包括了含有圖層樣式的 PSD 檔案時,在啟動 Krita 時出現軟體崩潰的問題。)
- Make it possible to run Python scripts if there is no paintable layer. BUG:459495
- Fix the Ten Scripts plugin to actually remember the selected scripts. BUG:421231
- Add an option to PNG export to convert to 8 bit on saving. BUG:459415
- Fix artifacts when hovering over reference images in HiDPI mode. BUG:441216
- Fix thumbnails for pass-through layers being created (they shouldn't...) BUG:440960
- Make the OpenGL workaround available for all platforms. BUG:401940
- PSD: fix reading of layer blending ranges. BUG:459307
- Fix a lot of small memory leaks
- Fix copy-paste operation not working after using the move tool. BUG:458764
- Show all loaded python plugins in the Help->System Info dialog
- Show a busy cursor when saving a reference image set. BUG:427546
- Add Document::setModified to the scripting API. BUG:425066
- Fix a crash when trying to save an image with a fill layer. BUG:459252
- Fix a crash when copy/paste a shape or fill layer or a selection mask. BUG:458115
- Fix layer thumbnails when loading a 512x512 PSD file. BUG:458887
- Fix a crash when trying to copy-paste the background layer. BUG:458890,458857,458248,458941
- Don't highlight a layer with a color label on mouse-over. BUG:459153
- Fix creating numbered backups for files with names that contain [ and ]. BUG:445500
- Add middle handles to perspective transform (patch by Carsten Hartenfels, thanks!)
- Fix dab inaccuracy of Sharpness brushes when outline preview snapping is disabled. BUG:458361
- Fix touchpad gestures on MacOS. BUG:456446
如果您使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會與安裝版本共用設定檔及資源。如希望以免安裝版測試並回報程式強制終止的問題,請同時下載偵錯符號 (debug symbols)。
注意:我們已不再提供為 32 位元 Windows 建置的版本。
- 64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-5.1.3-setup.exe
- 64 位元免安裝版:krita-x64-5.1.3.zip
- 偵錯符號(請解壓到 Krita 程式資料夾之內)
- 64 位元 Linux:krita-5.1.3-x86_64.appimage
Linux 版本現不再需要另行下載 G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage。
注意:如果您正在使用 macOS Sierra 或 High Sierra,請參見這部影片了解如何執行由開發者簽署的程式。
- macOS 軟體包:krita-5.1.3.dmg
我們仍視 ChomeOS 及 Android 的版本為測試版本。此版本或可能含有大量程式錯誤,而且仍有部份功能未能正常運作。由於使用者介面並未完善,軟體或須配合實體鍵盤才能使用全部功能。Krita 不適用於 Android 智慧型手機,只適用於平板電腦,因為其使用者介面設計並未為細小的螢幕作最佳化。
檔案校對碼 (md5sum)
請瀏覧 https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/5.1.3/ 並點選各下載檔案的「Details」連結以查閱該檔案的 MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256 校對碼。
Linux AppImage 以及原始碼的 .tar.gz 和 .tar.xz 壓縮檔已使用數位簽章簽名。您可以從這裡取得 GPG 公鑰。簽名檔可於此處找到(副檔名為 .sig)。