詐騙電子郵件警告:當心由 krita.io 寄出有關 Krita 和 Youtube 的郵件
如果你收到任何有關 Krita 而非由 krita.org 域名寄出(寄件者不是以 krita.org 結尾)的電子郵件,例如是 krita.io 或 krita.app,請注意這些是詐騙郵件。郵件內容如下:
Hello dear, please give me a moment of your time. Krita team is eager to collaborate with you.
Krita is a free and open-source raster graphics editor designed primarily for digital painting and 2D animation. It features an OpenGL-accelerated canvas, colour management support, an advanced brush engine, non-destructive layers and masks, group-based layer management, vector artwork support and switchable customisation profiles.
We would like to consider integrating a 30-45 second ready-made promo into your media space(Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), can we consider that?
Sincerely, Krita - Digital Painting Studio