發佈 Krita 5.0 的第二個測試版本 (Beta 2)
雖然比原先預期遲了一點,但是我們現在終於可以推出 Krita 5.0 的第二個 Beta 測試版本啦!注意事項跟上一個測試版本一樣!(除了 G’Mic 濾鏡的問題已經修正了。)這次測試版本還有一點比較大的問題有待修正,不過比起上一個測試版本,今次的測試版本已經多了七百多項修正事項。
這次測試版本亦包含了對硬體圖形加速畫布的改進,尤其是在 macOS 上或者在使用高解析度 (High-DPI) 螢幕時的畫布效能應比以往有著非常大的提昇。
以下列出了繼推出 Beta 1 之後所作出的各項修正和改進: (譯者按:由於內容眾多而人力資源有限,故此段落不作完整翻譯,保留英文原文。)
- Dmitry Kazakov and Ivan Yossi implemented a new way of uploading image textures to the GPU, improving performance when painting especially on macOS.
- Michał Chojnowski fixed a crash in the gamut mask toolbar (BUG:441122)
- Alvin Wong improved the translatability of Krita a lot, and worked really hard on the traditional Chinese translation.
- Tyson Tan also improved the translatability of Krita a lot, and worked really hard on the simplified Chinese translation.
- Amyspark fixed a problem with Krita resetting its settings after using the G'Mic-Qt plugin. G'Mic has also been updated to the latest version.
- Deif Lou fixed several issues in the filter brush engine
- Amyspark reworked the layer metadata framework (BUG:410341)
- Agata Cacko fixed the color history button layout (BUG:434915)
- Alan North fixed working with shared curves in the brush editor
- Agata Cacko made it possible to load Adobe Style Library files that have styles with conflicting unique id's
- Alvin Wong fixed the zoom level in the floating canvas message (BUG:429569)
- Tom Tom Tom fixed a bug in the calligraphy tool
- Eoin O'Neill fixed a crash in the storyboard docker (BUG:441592)
- Emmet O'Neill improved the usability of the storyboard docker (BUG:441593)
- Sharaf Zaman fixed the welcome page on Android/ChromeOS
- Matthias Wein fixed several issues with the docker titlebars
- Alvin Wong fixed issues with placing popup windows (BUG:441935)
- Alvin Wong fixed the touch pan gesture breaking when moving too quickly (BUG:441706)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed loaduing KPL palettes defined using the Lab colorspace (BUG:441139)
- Alvin Wong fixed a performance issue in the overview docker (BUG:442075)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed a crash in the channels docker (BUG:442117)
- Matthias Wein fixed a performance issue in the channels docker
- Alvin Wong improved the usability of Krita in MDI mode (BUG:441644)
- Halla Rempt fixed a crash in the task set docker if disabled actions were executed (BUG:441638)
- Halla Rempt fixed a bug in Qt's font database where having a space betwen angular brackets in a font name would break the parser (BUG:430220)
- Agata Cacko fixed the previews of several assistant shapes (BUG:441212)
- Alvin Wong fixed an issue using Windows Ink or Wintab, where double tablet events might be sent by broken drivers, and where the second event then would activate a mouse event (BUG:441687)
- Matthias Weind fixed an issue where the dimensions for a new image were calculated wrongly (BUG:442124)
- Sharaf Zaman fixed incremental back saving on Android (BUG:427042)
- Halla Rempt fixed rotating the system log
- Halla Rempt changed the default setting for undo steps from 30 to 200
- Agata Cacko fixed updating the preview for a gradient after editing
- Amyspark fixed 32 bit floating point RGB in LittleCMS (BUG:442004, BUG:439947, BUG:437429)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed creating separations from the alpha channel (BUG:434288)
- Halla Rempt added a default shortcut for creating a vector layer: CTRL-Insert (BUG:442585)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier implemented loading a gimp brush or gimp imagehose brush as a color image when editing the brush as a Krita image and fixed saving these brushes (BUG:442316)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier added a reset option to the autobrush widget (BUG:437006)
- Halla Rempt fixed an issue where when a shortcuts definition file was missing, menu entries would turn out blank (BUG:428453)
- Eoin O'Neill implemented a new export user interface for the storyboard docker
- Eoin O'Neill fixed using the move tool on animated masks (BUG:441974)
- Eoin O'Neill fixed the crop tool not working properly on cloned animation frames. (BUG:441369)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier made it possible to add color labels and pin to the timeline for masks (BUG:438124)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed the task set docker's appearance (BUG:442185)
- Alvin Wong fixed issues when using fractional display scaling
- Sharaf Zaman fixed issues with changing the cursor icon on Android (BUG:431859)
- Reinold Rojas enabled color sample preview for the color sampler tool (BUG:396490)
- Reinold Rojas fixed a problem with Krita's fullscreen mode in canvas-only mode (BUG:437932)
- Halla Rempt added a tool preview option combobox to the transform tool so users can switch between fast and in-stack preview
- Black Cat fixed applying font styles in the text tool (BUG:392343)
- Agata Cacko fixed the preview of local assistants (BUG:442619)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed several issues in the crop tool (BUG:442827, BUG:442959)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed flattening a clone array: the flattened layer now is in the correct position (BUG:437431)
- Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier fixed a possible crash with color adjustment filter masks (BUG:428349)
- Agata Cacko fixed thumbnails for gradients when creating a resource bundle
- Agata Cacko fixed several issues with resource tagging
- Dmitry Kazakov improved the performance of masking brushes
- Halla Rempt implemented saving user-defined tags
- Dmitry Kazakov improved the performance of starting a new stroke when the current brush tip is very big (BUG:436731)
- Sharaf Zaman improved the usability of the text tool when using Android or ChromeOS
- Dmitry Kazakov fixed updating shapes that belong to a transformed group (BUG:443161)
- Dmitry Kazakov fixed canvas updates in wraparound mode (BUG:442796)
- Dmitry Kazakov fixed artefacts in the hue sensor of the color smudge brush engine (BUG:441755)
- Matthias Wein fixed a memory leak in the create new image dialog
- Halla Rempt fixed an initialization issue in the Notifier scripting class
- Agata Cacko improved the performance of the perspective assistant
我們會繼續修正大家在試用 Beta 以及 Nightly 測試版本時發現的各項問題,以盡力令 Krita 5 正式版發佈的時候可以穩定及順暢地運作。請考慮向 Krita 發展基金捐款以支持 Krita 的開發工作:
如果你使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會與安裝版本共用設定檔及資源。如希望以免安裝版測試並回報程式強制終止的問題,請同時下載偵錯符號 (debug symbols)。
注意:我們已不再提供為 32 位元 Windows 建置的版本。
- 64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-5.0.0-beta2-setup.exe
- 64 位元免安裝版:krita-x64-5.0.0-beta2.zip
- 偵錯符號(請解壓到 Krita 程式資料夾之中)
- 64 位元 Linux AppImage:krita-5.0.0-beta2-x86_64.appimage
Linux 版本現不再需要另行下載 G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage。
注意:如果你正在使用 macOS Sierra 或 High Sierra,請參見這部影片了解如何執行由開發者簽署的程式。
- macOS 套件:krita-5.0.0-beta2.dmg
我們仍視 ChomeOS 及 Android 的版本為測試版本。此版本或可能含有大量程式錯誤,而且仍有部份功能未能正常運作。由於使用者介面並未完善,軟體或須配合實體鍵盤才能使用全部功能。
下載檔案的 MD5 校對碼已於以下檔案中列出:
Linux AppImage 以及原始碼的 .tar.gz 和 .tar.xz 壓縮檔已使用數位簽章簽名。你可以從這裡取得 GPG 公鑰。簽名檔可於此處找到(副檔名為 .sig)。
支持 Krita
Krita 是免費及開放原始碼的項目。請考慮捐款或購買教學影片支持我們吧!有你的支持我們才能聘請開發人員全職進行 Krita 的開發工作。