正式發佈 Krita 4.4.5 新版本
是次將會是 Krita 5.0 發佈前的最後一個 4.4 修正版本。我們修正了一個在 macOS 運行下的重大問題,而我們希望 macOS 使用者也能獲得最新的修正,因此決定多發佈一個更新。
- Set ElideRight for the tabs in the mdiarea. (Bug 433640)
- If loading the image fails too often, stop retrying (Bug 433652)
- Use QVersionNumber to compare versions
- Fix oilpaint filter's tiling artifacts commit
- Only open the bug dialog when Krita is in alpha or beta
- Fix crash on popup palette on 125% scale (Bug 431944)
- Fix compilation for GCC11. Thanks Jonathan Wakely for the suggested fix! (Bug 434150)
- Use opengl ES on Arm Linux (Bug 421136)
- Fix crash on importing a broken icc profile (Bug 434273)
- Remove the hello world demo plugin (Bug 422380)
- Bugfix: Crash with crop tool (Bug 433770)
- Bugfix: Transform (Shear) tool doesn't use pivot (Bug 427462)
- Fix angle range in the angle selector in status bar and overview docker (Bug 434993)
- Implement "Scale handles proportionally" feature for the mesh transform
- Bugfix: Crop tool doesn't respond to some events (Bug 435201)
- Remove JPG from the list of supported clipboard image formats (Bug 431310)
- Don't set the menu text on the action if it's empty (Bug 437036)
- Expose the node's unique id to libkis commit
- Fix quicklook generator (Bug 436224)
- Fix random crashes on macOS and fix cursor getting stuck after switching to other apps using cmd+tab and returning to krita using mouse click. (Bug 434646)
- Fix data corruption on pressing Ctrl+Z while crop action is active (CCBug 433770)
- Fix zooming of the palette in Lazy Fill Tool (Bug 410997)
- Fix outline-selection precision when shift-modifier is pressed (Bug 437048)
- Fix crash when closing Krita too quickly while some stroke is still rendering (Bug 419021)
- Fix incorrect memory access in KisCanvas2::setProofingOptions()
- Fix a race condition when starting spontaneous jobs (Bug 434648)
- Fix display color management in Overview docker (Bug 428605)
- Fix Nearest Neighbour filter of the perspective transform mode (Bug 420811)
- Fix drift of the transformed image when moving mouse too quickly (Bug 416899)
- Fix smoothness of Free Transform mode (Bug 416899)
- Fix input method not working on popup widgets (Bug 395598)
- Fix export in Krita using CLI commit
- Fix OpenColorIO include dir detection commit
- Fix order of arguments in OverviewThumbnailStrokeStrategy (CID 310957)
- Do not rely on endianness in psd_image_data (CID 35080)
- Widen variables before making calculations (CID 248925)
- 0verride patchWidth and patchHeight being 0 with defaults (CID 248441, CID 248622)
- Check value after dynamic cast in ConvertColorSpacePr.Vis. (CID 304985)
- Properly bound values on conversions (CID 248629, CID 248458)
- Initialize propertyType in KisMetaData::TypeInfo::Private (CID 35498)
- Initialize variables in KoRuler and KisFullRefreshWalker (CID 35523, CID 35612)
- Initialize members of KisImagePyramid (CID 36041)
- Initialize members of DlgOffsetImage and DeformBrush (CID 36144, CID 36265)
- Initialize members in KCanvasPreview (CID 36395)
- Initialize members in DlgClonesArray (CID 248509)
- Initialize members in KisShadeSelectorLine (CID 36338)
- Initialize members of assistant classes (CID 248502, CID 248916)
- Initialize members in spin box related classes (CID 248555, CID 248871)
- Fix xyYtoXYZ color conversion formula
- Make the code in the triangle color selector cleaner commit
- Fix updates in Channels docker commit
- Fix updates in Histogram docker commit
- Fix multithreading in Histogram widget commit
- Change typedef to using in HistogramDockerWidget commit
- Fix referencing of null value in SvgStyleWriter(CID 329512)
- Fix uninitialized values in HistogramDockerWidget (CID 329509)
- Fix High DPI for canvas previews in Undo History docker commit
- Fix crash on saving a huge image to .kra (Bug 432182)
- Ensure that transform worker won't try to scale to 0 (Bug 432182)
- Fix KoQuaZipStore error checking commit
- Show country in language list for disambiguation (Bug 437994)
- Fix failing update when transforming a shape layer with a Transform Tool (Bug 437886)
- Do not append country name to zh_CN and zh_TW (Bug 437994)
- Revert "Fix OpenColorIO include dir detection"
- Add more checks on saving to kra commit
- Fix non-float results in expressions for float values (CID 329390, CID 329448, CID 329482)
- Fix uninitialized values in various classes (CID 329508, CID 329504, CID 329503, CID 329502, CID 329501)
- Don't assert on invalid 0-bytes palettes commit
- Initialize members of SVG Symbols classes (CID 304987)
- Initialize members of KisColorSelector classes (CID 36349, CID 248848, CID 248452, CID 248707)
- Android: Make saving operation on exit more robust commit
- Bugfix: Artifact with more than one active assitant (Bug 401940)
- Android: SAFE_ASSERT on TouchCancel event commit
- Android: Layer Properties' text field not responding to keyboard events
- Android: Fix Window Manager position when rotating
- Bugfix: Inconsistent stroke fill and shape fill (Bug 399127, Bug 422204, Bug 434828)
正式發佈版本跳過了版本編號 4.4.4,因為 Krita 4.4.4 是為 Epic Store 臨時發佈所準備的版本。
如果你使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會與安裝版本共用設定檔及資源。如希望以免安裝版測試並回報程式強制終止的問題,請同時下載偵錯符號 (debug symbols)。
注意:由這個版本起,我們不再提供為 32 位元 Windows 建置的版本。
- 64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-4.4.5-setup.exe
- 64 位元免安裝版:krita-x64-4.4.5.zip
- 偵錯符號(請解壓到 Krita 程式資料夾之中)
- 64 位元 Linux AppImage:krita-4.4.5-x86_64.appimage
- 64 位元 Linux G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage
- macOS 套件:krita-4.4.5.dmg
備註:gmic-qt 未支援 macOS。
我們仍視 ChomeOS 及 Android 的版本為測試版本。此版本或可能含有大量程式錯誤,而且仍有部份功能未能正常運作。由於使用者介面並未完善,軟體或須配合實體鍵盤才能使用全部功能。
除了由以下連結下載 APK 安裝檔,你亦可以經由 Google Play 安裝 Krita 4.4.5。
下載檔案的 MD5 校對碼已於以下檔案中列出:
Linux AppImage 以及原始碼的 .tar.gz 和 .tar.xz 壓縮檔已使用數位簽章簽名。你可以運行 "gpg --recv-key 7468332F" 以取得 GPG 公鑰。簽名檔可於此處找到(副檔名為 .sig)。
支持 Krita
Krita 是免費及開放原始碼的項目。請考慮捐款或購買教學影片支持我們吧!有你的支持我們才能聘請開發人員全職進行 Krita 的開發工作。