Krita 4.4.3 測試版本 (beta 1) 已推出
Krita 開發團隊現推出 Krita 4.4.3 的首個測試版本。此版本純粹為修正程式錯誤。
Android 修正
- Crash when back button was pressed on splash screen
- Crash when loading files while app is still booting
- Use lastUpdateTime for copying assets
- Provide host so pathPattern could be effective
- Fix color selector covering entire screen (BUG:432459)
- Saved configs aren't loaded after restart (BUG:432433)
- Add key functions to psd_layer_effects_shadow_base (BUG:432904)
- Fix reloading presets from user-imported bundles (BUG:432488)
- Fix crash in halftone filter due to an access to an invalid pointer
- Fix crash when reapplying a filter with reprompting
- Fix crash when painting on a filter mask created from a vector selection (BUG:432329)
nacOS 修正
- MacOS: fix the finder plugins for showing a thumbnail or a quick look preview (BUG:432328)
- Fix handling the channel flags. Patch by Chris Venter, thanks! (BUG:432226)
- Fix synchronization of zoom level between canvas and the scratchpad
- Fix normalization in Smart Patch Tool (BUG:430953)
- Fix performance issues in the foreground/background color button (BUG:432936)
- Fix saving incremental backups (BUG:432701)
- Fix a problem where the scratchpad could be unresponsive (BUG:431708)
- Fix Color as Alpha and Preserve Alpha in Custom and Clipboard brushes (BUG:432274)
- Fix the RGBA_brushes bundle so Krita doesn't try to recreate it on startup (BUG:431832)
- Fix handling of style in KisAngleSelector when the spin box must be shown flat and use the new angle selector everywhere
如果你使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會與安裝版本共用設定檔及資源。如希望以免安裝版測試並回報程式強制終止的問題,請同時下載偵錯符號 (debug symbols)。
64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-4.4.3-beta1-setup.exe
64 位元免安裝版
32 位元安裝程式:krita-x86-4.4.3-beta1-setup.exe
32 位元免安裝版
- 64 位元 Linux AppImage:krita-4.4.3-beta1-x86_64.appimage
- 64 位元 Linux G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage
- macOS 套件:krita-4.4.3-beta1.dmg
備註:gmic-qt 未支援 macOS。
我們仍視 ChomeOS 及 Android 的版本為測試版本。此版本或可能含有大量程式錯誤,而且仍有部份功能未能正常運作。由於使用者介面並未完善,軟體或須配合實體鍵盤才能使用全部功能。
下載檔案的 MD5 校對碼已於以下檔案中列出:
Linux AppImage 以及原始碼的 .tar.gz 和 .tar.xz 壓縮檔已使用數位簽章簽名。你可以運行 "gpg --recv-key 7468332F" 以取得 GPG 公鑰。簽名檔可於此處找到(副檔名為 .sig)。
支持 Krita
Krita 是免費及開放原始碼的項目。請考慮捐款或購買教學影片支持我們吧!有你的支持我們才能聘請開發人員全職進行 Krita 的開發工作。