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上一篇文章 | Saturday, 5 May 2018 | 閱讀時間: 1 分鐘 | 下一篇文章

Why a Monthly Subscription?

Individual donations are great, but the development fund gives us a regular income, which makes it possible to plan for the future. Fund raisers are most often feature oriented; the development fund gives us time to work on stability and polish.

Fund raisers also take a lot of time and effort; time that cannot be spent on working on Krita!

Of course, Krita will always be free and open source: there is no need to worry that the application will one day switch to a subscription model. But every little bit helps, and with a small monthly subscription you will help Krita’s development to progress at a stable rate.

PayPal 每月訂閱

Our normal payment processor doesn't support PayPal for monthly payments. If you would like to do monthly payments with PayPal, use the form below.

_ 最低 €3_