發佈 Krita 5.1.0 發行候選版本 (RC1)
今日我哋發佈咗 Krita 5.1.0 嘅首個發行候選版本 (RC1)。
你亦都可以睇下以下由 Wojtek Trybus 製作嘅更新內容影片:
注意:Krita 5.1 Beta 1 測試版本中含有一個程式錯誤,或者會導致筆刷預設儲存出錯,令到筆刷喺其他 Krita 版本入面載入時會 crash。如果你曾經用 Beta 1 製作或者修改筆刷預設,依個 Python 指令稿可以幫你修正依啲筆刷預設。
喺發佈 Beta 2 之後,我哋修正咗以下問題: (譯者按:由於內容太多而人力資源有限,所以依段唔做完整嘅翻譯,保留返英文原文。)
- Several issues with renaming existing and system tags for resources have resolved. BUG:453831
- Python: make it possible to get all pattern resources.
- Fix a slowdown when attaching a dynamic sensor to the ration option in the brush preset editor. BUG:456668
- Fix scaling of the colorspace selector when display scaling. BUG:456929
- Fix a memory leak in the storyboard docker. BUG:456998
- Fix a memory leak in the tile engine. BUG:456998
- Make the Alpha mode the default generator for the Halftone filter.
- Improve handling of switching between exporting just the frames or just the video for an animation. BUG:443105
- Clean up files when exporting an animation to frames is canceled. BUG:443105
- Fix the Elliptic are to Bezier curve function in SVG so certain files can be loaded without Krita running out of memory. BUG:456922, BUG:439145
- Fix issues handling gradient fills for vector objects. BUG:456807
- Make sure the mimetype selector Ok and Cancel buttons can be translated. BUG:448343
- Fix a crash when cloning a document through the scripting API. BUG:457080
- Reset the file path when creating a copy of an existing image. BUG:457081
- Fix a crash when copy-pasting a group with vector layers. BUG:457154
- Fix saving a image with a text object to PSD. BUG:455988
- Fix a crash when undoing creating a text shape. BUG:457125
- Fix a crash when loading a thumbnail for a PSD file with embedded resources. BUG:457123
- Improve the performance of creating a thumbnail from a PSD file for the recent files list. BUG:456907
- Fix loading PSD files with embedded patterns.
- Fix undeleting tags that have been removed. BUG:440337
- Make it possible to open some invalid PSD files. BUG:444844
- Fix positioning of layers returned from the G'Mic plugin. BUG:456950
- Fix loading JPEG-XL images created by Substance Designer. BUG:456738
- Fix showing the alpha channel in the color picker tool options widget.
- Fix a crash when there is a corrupt in image on the clipboard. BUG:456778
- Fix the positioning when pasting multiple reference images. BUG:456382
- Fix Krita hanging when double-clicking too fast with the contiguous selection tool. BUG:450577
- Fix updating the current palette when selecting a color with the color picker. BUG:455203
- Improve the calculation of the brush speed sensor. BUG:453401
如果你使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會同安裝版本共用設定檔同埋資源。如果想用免安裝版測試並回報 crash 嘅問題,請同時下載偵錯符號 (debug symbols)。
注意:我哋依家唔再提供為 32 位元 Windows 建置嘅版本。
- 64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-5.1.0-RC1-setup.exe
- 64 位元免安裝版:krita-x64-5.1.0-RC1.zip
- 偵錯符號 Debug symbols(請解壓到 Krita 程式資料夾入面)
- 64 位元 Linux:krita-5.1.0-RC1-x86_64.appimage
Linux 版本依家唔使再另外下載 G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage。
注意:如果你用緊 macOS Sierra 或者 High Sierra,請睇下依段影片了解點樣執行開發者簽署嘅程式。
- macOS 軟件包:krita-5.1.0-RC1.dmg
由於 Android SDK 軟體需求變咗,影響到我哋暫時無法建置 Android APK 軟件包。我哋會喺發佈正式版嗰陣恢復提供 Android 版本嘅 APK。