發佈 Krita 5.0 嘅第三個測試版本 (Beta 3)
今日,我哋推出咗 Krita 5 嘅第三個 Beta 測試版本。比起 Beta 2 今次又有更多嘅修正事項。我哋們希望喺聖誕節之前可以正式推出 Krita 5,而我哋抱有信心可以達成依個目標。
(順帶一提,就喺啱啱推出 Beta 3 冇耐之後,「Krita Plus」測試版本已經多咗幾項修正……)
以下係推出咗 Beta 2 之後最值得留意嘅新修正事項: (譯者按:由於內容太多而人力資源有限,因此依段唔做完整嘅翻譯,保留返英文原文。)
- Resources can no longer be assigned the speciall All and All Untagged tags. BUG:446148
- Alpha-mask PNG brush tips work correctly again. BUG:445691
- Android: creating a 16 bits integer image no longer crashes. BUG:445179
- Thumbnail for MYB mypaint brushes in a bundle now are loaded.
- Fix a performance issue in the magnetic selection tool.
- The recorder no longer goes in an infinite loop if the selected colorspace is not supported by the recorder.
- Drag and drop of remote images and copy/paste of images from Chrome is fixed. BUG:446029
- Cancelling pasting is fixed. BUG:438426
- Tyson Tan provided many disambiguations for user-visible text, which helps improve translations.
- A crash that happened when opening the popup palette, closing the image then creating a new image was fixed. BUG:443402
- Paste at Cursor now positions the clip correctly. BUG:446120
- The outline of brushes with a non-standard number of spikes is now correct. BUG:445927
- Disable subpixel translation in the transform tool. BUG:445714
- Fix saving palette on quitting Krita. BUG:444309
- Fix deduplication of resources on import. BUG:445367
- A crash when using the text brush was fixed. BUG:443308
- The handling of pattern files of types other than gimp patterns was fixed. BUG:443151
- Resource libraries are now sorted in alphabetical order in the bundle manager. Patch by Reinold Rojas.
- Handling of really broken .kra files was improved. BUG:443559
- Performance of textured brushes was improved.
- Renaming brush presets and SeExpr presets was fixed. BUG:445048
- Fix saving MyPaint brush presets after modification. BUG:445281, BUG:445282
- Improve the stylinmg of the tagging widget. BUG:445625
- Fix a crash when trying to add or move layers too quickly. BUG:445831, BUG:444516
- Fix a crash in the transform tool. BUG:441826
- Fix the text tool not updating the font size correctly.
- Fix the initialization of the random generator for non-brush tools. BUG:445775
- Fix tilt rotation when the canvas is rotated and the stabilizer is active. BUG:436618
- Make the mesh gradient respond to the first invocation. BUG:445617
- Make mesh gradient handles consistent with the mesh transform tool handles. BUG:442201
- Fix canceling saving an edited gradient.
- Fix loading palettes of types other than GPL and KPL.
- Fix an assert when opening an SVG document.
- Make it possible to actually change between different resource folder locations.
- Make it possible to overwrite existing workspace definitions. BUG:444975
- Fix a crash when warning the user when there is a problem saving a resource. BUG:445581
- Update the Intel GPU driver version detection.
- Fix artefacts in the freehand selection tool in polygonal mode. BUG:441569
- Fix issues with layer styles not be able to retrieve resources such as patterns or gradients. BUG:443621
- Blacklist line tool to make it work while recorder is active.
- Make the line tool's preview faster. BUG:411768
- Fix the flickering in the line tool's preview.
- Make it possible to save mypaint brush presets to resource bundles.
- Fix issues creating a new image from the clipboard. BUG:443111
- Do not select control handles when using the Edit Shapes Tool rectangular selection option. BUG:434535
- Fix updates when undoing pasting multiple layers.
- Fix adding a new file layer.
- Fix issues with testing the speed sensor in the scratch pad. BUG:425124
- Fix issues with retrieving the pattern in the pattern fill layer generator.
- Fix artefacts in the color smudge lightness mode.
- Improve font style selection, enabling the proper styles to be selected. BUG:425312
- Report to the user when a bundle fails to save. BUG:439110
- Improve importing bundles. BUG:445336
- Improve handling layer styles.
- Remove the vertical shift-drag to resize the current brush feature. BUG:442544
- Improve handling and editing palettes.
- Fix a crash in the freehand selection tool.
- Fix issues with embedding palettes and other resources in a .KRA document.
- Fix a crash when working with gamut masks.
- Animation: fix caching bug when scrubbing from cached to uncached frame. BUG:445265
- Fix some crashes when Krita is built with optional dependencies missing. BUG:445276
- On database creation, add tags only after all storages have been added, so all resources that can be tagged by default are tagged.
- In the scale and resize image dialogs, set the focus on the first field instead of the OK button. BUG:445250, BUG:444806
- Android: write document state info in mdiArea title.
- Fix issues creating, saving and updating SeExpr scripts.
- Fix issues creating, saving and updating workspaces. BUG:444980
- Android: Fix crash in file handling on Android 11.
- Fix a crash when exporting an image with EXIV data. BUG:444256
- Android: fix problems with the Android Back Button.
- Fix a crash when selecting a new color after a document has been closed. BUG:444308
- Android: Fix closing the popup palette with a keyboard shortcut. BUG:443631
- Improve color drag & drop on the canvas
- Fix update issues in KoDualColorButton. BUG:442861
- Fix a possible crash on closing a document. BUG:444613
- Improve the welcome page.
- Improve the preset history docker so the correct row is selected. Patch by Mike Will.
- Fix exporting a recorder session.
- Improve discrete canvas rotation. Patch by Reinold Rojas. BUG:429637
- Animation: Improve the usability of navigating keyframes. BUG:444310
- Animation: Fix a Windows-specific issue with the autokey blank causing artefacts. BUG:441588
- Refine tablet right click popup palette behavior. BUG:441899
- Fix saving the current session to the right location. BUG:443652
- Fix the translation context of the layer group menu. BUG:444238
- Make it possible to select and deselect ABR files in the brush tip tab of the preset editor.
- Fix handling jpeg2000 images.
- Fix a problem where editing text makes the color selector select the wrong color. BUG:443793
- Android: fix hiding the popup palette when using Samsung Air Actions. BUG:443600
- Make Krita 5 and Krita 4 session files compatible.
- Android: fix a memory leak in the Android Window Manager.
- Do not make the toolbars immovable after configuring a toolbar. BUG:441808
- Change Lod in Move Tool to 'true' by default.
- Set Crop Tool to have Grow checked by default.
- Change autosave to be every 7 minutes.
- Change the default DPI when importing a PDF to 300.
- Make the layer docker narrower.
- Update SeExpr with upstream patches.
- OpenGL: support LoD on OpenGL ES 2.
- ANGLE: support 10 and 12-bit HDR.
- OpenGL ES: support float and half textures.
- OpenColorIO: use Natron's workaround for parsing LUTs on localized systems. BUG:407921
- OpenColorIO: support VFX Platform CY2021 and newer. BUG:435474
- Improve the SeExpr user interface and parser.
- Halve the minimum width of recorder's status bar item.
- Fixed default scrollwheel behavior on timeline to be consistent. BUG:443852
- StoryboardDocker: Added more protection from duplicate names in storyboard docker.
- The storyboard export functionality has been improved.
- Fix crash during animation export. BUG:442578
- Fix updates of the brush editor when the preset is chagned externally. BUG:443579
- Fix the textured smudge brush causing square artifacts when drawing on a transparency mask. BUG:443422
- Fix performance issues with textured brushes.
我哋會繼續修正大家喺試用 Beta 同埋 Nightly 測試版本時發現嘅各種問題,以盡力令 Krita 5 正式版發佈嘅時候可以穩定及暢順咁運作。請考慮向 Krita 發展基金捐款以支持 Krita 嘅開發工作:
如果你使用免安裝版:請注意,免安裝版仍然會同安裝版本共用設定檔同埋資源。如果想用免安裝版測試並回報 crash 嘅問題,請同時下載 debug symbols。
注意:我哋依家唔再提供為 32 位元 Windows 建置嘅版本。
- 64 位元安裝程式:krita-x64-5.0.0-beta3-setup.exe
- 64 位元免安裝版:krita-x64-5.0.0-beta3.zip
- Debug symbols(請解壓到 Krita 程式資料夾入面)
- 64 位元 Linux AppImage:krita-5.0.0-beta3-x86_64.appimage
Linux 版本唔使再另外下載 G'Mic-Qt 外掛程式 AppImage。
遺憾地,依個版本嘅 macOS 套件出現咗問題,因此唔可以提供下載。我哋現正處理緊相關嘅問題。
我哋提供嘅 ChomeOS 同 Android 版本仲係測試版本。依個版本或可能含有大量嘅 bug,而且仲有部份功能未能正常運作。由於使用者介面仲未改進好,軟件或者須要配合實體鍵盤先可以用到全部功能。
下載檔案嘅 MD5 校對碼可以喺依個檔案入面搵到:
Linux AppImage 以及原始碼嘅 .tar.gz 同 .tar.xz 壓縮檔已使用數碼簽署簽名。你可以由依度取得 public key。簽名檔可以喺依度搵到(副檔名為 .sig)。
支持 Krita
Krita 係自由、免費同開源嘅專案。請考慮向 Krita 發展基金捐款或者購買教學影片支持我哋啦!有你哋嘅支持,我哋先可以俾核心開發者全職為 Krita 工作。