Krita 4.2.5 发布
我们发现 Krita 4.2.4 下使用某些工具时依然会发生一个影响快捷键工作的程序问题。我们以最快速度修复了它,并提前发布了 Krita 4.2.5。我们建议所有用户升级到最新版。
- Fix an assert in the transform tool when working with a tablet and touch
- Fix continued transformation in the transform tool
- Fix updates in the transform tool
- Show the publication time in the welcome page news ticker in the user's preferred short date/time format
- Fix using the tangent-normal brush when the canvas is rotated or mirrored (BUG:404408)
- Make it possible again to create new palettes and save them in the resource folder, instead of the current document (BUG:410137)
- Make Krita not gobble up all available memory when loading a JPG file with specific metadata (BUG:410242)
- Constrain assistant editors to the viewport, so they can always be manipulated
- Make sure Krita stores changes to brush presets in the current session by default (BUG:410463)
- Remove an assert that could be triggered when opening the first image in a session
- Update the version of the default input settings profile, so the rotate/zoom action will be activated even if the user already had a local kritadefault.profile file
- Fix a crash on using the move tool while the image is being opened (BUG:398968)
- Make sure the painting tools don't block anymore (BUG:409968,408826,409275)
- Make the shortcut handling system more tolerant when shortcuts overlap (BUG:409968)
- Fix a crash in the transform tool
- Make the transform tool and the move tool more responsive
提示:如果在 Windows 下遇到程序崩溃,请根据 相关指引 使用 debug symbols 协助我们分析崩溃原因。
64 位 Windows 安装包: krita-x64-4.2.5-setup.exe
64 位 Windows 压缩包:
32 位 Windows 安装包: krita-x86-4.2.5-setup.exe
32 位 Windows 压缩包:
- 64 位 Linux: krita-4.2.5-x86_64.appimage
- 64 位 Linux G'Mic-Qt plugin appimage.
(如果 Firefox 把链接作为文本打开,请右键另存为)
- OSX disk image: krita-4.2.5.dmg
提示:gmic-qt 在 OSX 下暂不可用。
所有软件包的 md5sum:
Linux 的 Appimage 包和源代码 tarball 文件已签名,你可以通过 https 来下载公共密钥:
0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc、.sig 签名文件。
支持 Krita
Krita 是一个自由和开源的软件项目。请通过 捐款 或者 购买培训教程和画册 等方式支持我们,这样我们才能为 Krita 的开发全职工作。