Kritas månadsuppdatering - utgåva 21
Welcome to the @Krita-promo team's November 2024 development and community update.
Community Bug Hunt Ended
The Community Bug Hunt has ended, with dozens of bugs fixed and over a hundred bug more reports closed. Huge thanks to everyone who participated, and if you missed it, the plan is to make this a regular occurrence.
Can't wait for the next bug hunt to be scheduled? Neither will the bug reports! Help in investigating them is appreciated anytime!
Resultat för månatlig konstutmaning i november 2024
For the "Fluffy" theme, 22 members submitted 26 original artworks. And the winner is… Most "Fluffy" by @steve.improvthis, featuring three different fluffy submissions. Be sure to check out the other two as well!
The December Art Challenge is Open Now
For the December Art Challenge, @steve.improvthis has chosen "Tropical" as the theme, with the optional challenge of using new or unfamiliar brushes. See the full brief for more details, and find yourself a place in the sun!
Utvalda konstverk
Best of Krita-Artists - October/November 2024
Seven images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread, which was open from October 15th to November 11th. When the poll closed on November 14th, these five wonderful works made their way onto the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner:
Ocean | Krita av @Gurkirat_Singh
Vinterpalats av @Sad_Tea
Ordning av @Valery_Sazonov
Lockig, 10-24 av @Celes
Eftermiddagsmagi av @zeki
Sätt att hjälpa Krita
Krita är ett fritt program med öppen källkod, i huvudsak utvecklad av ett internationellt team av sponsrade utvecklare och frivilliga bidragsgivare.
Visit Krita's funding page to see how user donations keep development going, and explore a one-time or monthly contribution. Or check out more ways to Get Involved, from testing, coding, translating, and documentation writing, to just sharing your artwork made with Krita.
The Krita-promo team has put out a call for volunteers, come join us and help keep these monthly updates going.
Nämnvärda ändringar
Nämnvärda ändringar i Kritas utvecklingsbyggen från 12 november - 11 december, 2024.
Stabil gren (5.2.9-prealpha):
- General: Fix rounding errors in opacity conversion, which prevented layered 50% brushstrokes from adding up to 100%. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- General: Fix snapping to grid at the edge of the canvas. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- General: Disable snapping to image center by default, as it can cause confusion. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Calligraphy Tool: Fix following existing shape in the Calligraphy Tool. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Layers: Fix "Copy into new Layer" to copy vector data when a vector shape is active. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Selections: Fix the vector selection mode to not create 0px selections, and to select the canvas beforing subtracting if there is no existing selection. (bug report, CCbug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- General: Add Unify Layers Color Space action. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Layers: Don't allow moving a mask onto a locked layer. (Change, by Maciej Jesionowski)
- Linux: Capitalize the .AppImage file extension to match the convention expected by launchers. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
Instabil gren (5.3.0-prealpha):
- Color Management: Update display rendering when blackpoint compensation or LCMS optimizations are toggled, not just when the display color profile is changed. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Text: Implement Convert to Shape for bitmap fonts. (Change, by Wolthera van Hövell)
- Filters: Add Fast Color Overlay filter, which overlays a solid color using a configurable blending mode. (Change, by Maciej Jesionowski)
- Brush Engines: Add Pattern option to "Auto Invert For Eraser" mode. (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Wide Gamut Color Selector Docker: Add option to hide the Minimal Shade Selector rows. (Change, by Wolthera van Hövell)
- Wide Gamut Color Selector Docker: Show the Gamut Mask toolbar when the selector layout supports it. (Change, by Wolthera van Hövell)
- Layers: Add a warning icon for layers with a different color space than the image. (Change 1, by Dmitry Kazakov, and Change 2, by Timothée Giet)
- Pop-Up Palette: Add an option to sort the color history ring by last-used instead of by color. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Export Layers Plugin: Add option to use incrementing prefix on exported layers. (wishbug report) (Change, by Ross Rosales)
Nattliga byggen
Pre-release versions of Krita are built every day for testing new changes.
Hämta de senaste felrättningarna i Stabil "Krita Plus" (5.2.9-prealpha): Linux - Windows - macOS (osignerad) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64
Eller prova de senaste experimentella funktionerna i "Krita Next" (5.3.0-prealpha):: Linux - Windows - macOS (osignerad) - Android arm64-v8a - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64