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Kritas månadsuppdatering - utgåva 18

Föregående inlägg | torsdag, 12 september 2024 | Lästid: 9 minuter | Nästa inlägg

Welcome back! This monthly ‘zine is curated for you by the @Krita-promo team. This edition covers two months' worth of updates.


Grum999 is working on Grids with Unit Management MR 2201 which will allow users to select a grid measurement other than pixels (i.e., inches, mm. pt.). Grum is asking for help with testing in Windows and Linux.

Grids with units screenshot

Wolthera introduced Font Selection Properties in the text tool thread on Krita-Artists.


You can assist by reading the newest post from Wolthera and commenting.

latest update (latest blog post) (updated post on K-A)

Andra utvecklingshöjdpunkter

Google Summer of Code student Ken Lo's project for a pixel-art line stabilizer was finished successfully.

There’s a new default Python plugin, the Workflow Buttons docker, with customizable buttons that can select a tool, brush, color, or run a script.

Workflow Buttons screenshot

The team plans to make a 5.2.5 release in late September, containing various bug-fixes from the past few months. These fixes include issues with no layer being selected, bugs when triggering touch gestures and stylus actions at the same time, broken support for Deflate-using TIFF files on Windows, crashes importing audio on macOS, and many more.

After the release, the developers will lead a community bug hunt effort to reduce the number of open bug reports and fix bugs. Tune in next month for details.

Part 2 of Krita’s 25-year history video released

Krita 25th ANNIVERSARY! 🎉 Journey to the past. Part 2


Månatlig konstutmaning i juli 2024

The theme for July was Still Life from Another World designed by Brinck. We had so many wonderful submissions, it was difficult to choose only two when it was time to vote.

The winner of the July Art Challenge is Alchemy Still Life by @Elixiah.

Alchemy Still Life by Elixiah

Månatlig konstutmaning i augusti 2024

Elixiah passed the honour of designing the next challenge to our first runner up, DavidMahl. For the August Art Challenge, DavidMahl has chosen “I am 5-year-old Kiki and I’m scared of …”


And the winner is… 5-year-old Kiki is scared of…the upgrade! by Lynx3d

5-year-old Kiki is scared of…the upgrade! by Lynx3d

The September Art Challenge is Open Now

For the September Art Challenge, Lynx3d has chosen Traditional Refreshments and Snacks. And as an additional, optional challenge, something with a seasonal or local relation. See the full brief for more details.

Utvalda konstverk

Eleven images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread which was open for nominations from June 14th to July 11th. When voting closed on the 14th, these five had the most votes and were added to the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner. These images will be entered into the Best of Krita Artists 2024 competition next January.

The Golden Chamber by @Yaroslavus_Artem

The Golden Chamber by @Yaroslavus_Artem

Barn Owl on Faucet by @kacart

Barn Owl on Faucet by @kacart

Daal by @Neobscura

Daal by @Neobscura

Pixel Art Waterfall by @Katamaheen

Pixel Art Waterfall by @Katamaheen

Indiana Jones by @AliceArt

Indiana Jones by @AliceArt

Best of Krita-Artists – July/August 2024

Six images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread which was open from July 15th to August 11th. When voting closed on August 14th, these five had the most votes and were added to the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner.

The last supper by @ahmet_tabak

The last supper by @ahmet_tabak

Piel de mango - Mango skin + process by @Caliche_Miguel

Piel de mango - Mango skin + process by @Caliche_Miguel

Somewhere in Alaska ~ Finished by @Elixiah

Somewhere in Alaska ~ Finished by @Elixiah

Melody.. using Impression brushes by @RoyKannthali

Melody.. using Impression brushes by @RoyKannthali

Fish Tank Sea Monster by @Katamaheen

Fish Tank Sea Monster by @Katamaheen

Best of Krita-Artists – August/September 2024

The poll is open from September 11th to September 14th. Cast your vote for the best of Krita-Artists!

Anmärkningsvärt insticksprogram

New Alignment Tool

Arrange 2: Universal alignment tools for all types of layers by @Celes works on vector layers and raster (paint) layers as well as groups. Elements may be aligned to the active layer, the canvas or all selected layers.

För att citera upphovsmannen:

I’m also still pretty new to Krita and might have overlooked some layer usage situations. Don’t hesitate to let me know!

Månadens handledning

Parallax Scrolling Animation


Sätt att hjälpa Krita

Krita är ett fritt program med öppen källkod, i huvudsak utvecklad av ett internationellt team av entusiastiska volontärer. Bidrag från användare av Krita för att stödja underhåll och utveckling uppskattas.

Besök Kritas insamlingssida för att se hur bidrag används och utforska ett enstaka bidrag eller månadsbidrag.

The Krita-promo team has put out a call for volunteers, come join us and help keep these monthly updates going.

Nämnvärda ändringar i koden

Avsnittet har sammanställts av freyalupen.

(21 juli - 6 september, 2024)

Stabil gren (5.2.3+): Felrättningar:

Instabil gren (5.3.0-prealpha): Funktioner:


Dessa ändringar görs tillgängliga för testning i följande nattliga byggen:

Tycker du om vad vi gör? Hjälp stödja oss

Krita är ett projekt med fri och öppen källkod. Överväg att stödja projektet med donationer eller genom att köpa utbildningsvideor eller konstboken! Med ditt stöd kan vi hålla kärngruppen i arbete med Krita på heltid.

Ge bidrag Köp någonting