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Kritas månadsuppdatering - utgåva 16

Föregående inlägg | fredag, 21 juni 2024 | Lästid: 6 minuter | Nästa inlägg

Welcome to the latest development and community news curated for you by the Krita-promo team.

Development report

Krita är 25 år gammalt!

Artwork by David Revoy (CC BY-SA)

May 31, 2024 marks Krita’s 25th birthday. As one would expect, there have been many changes over the years – even the name changed several times. You can get a look inside Krita’s history in this blog post written by @Halla, Krita’s Maintainer for more than 20 years.

In honour of this milestone, @RamonM prepared a special treat for all Krita users: a video interview with @Halla.

Din återkoppling efterfrågas

Andra utvecklingshöjdpunkter


Community Report

May 2024 Monthly Art Challenge

Och vinnaren är… Kattreflektion av Elixiah.

kattspegling av Elixiah

For the June Art Challenge, Elixiah has chosen Magnificent Dragon with an interesting optional challenge for any who care to give themselves an added stretch.

Ten images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread which was open from April 14th to May 11th. When voting closed on May 14th, these five had the most votes and were added to the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner.

Tyst morgon av @Gurkirat_Singh.


Pollinatrix Terrae av @jimplex.


Den ensamma ryttaren-2 av @rohithela.

005 (Spindel i nätet) av @HappyBuket.

005 Spindel

Utmaningshorn av @MangooSalade.


In addition to their place of honour on the banner, all five will be entered into the Best of Krita-Artists 2024 competition next January. The Best of Krita-Artists May/June Nominations thread will be open for submissions until June 11, 2024. You are invited to join in by nominating your favourite piece of Krita artwork!

Anmärkningsvärt insticksprogram

Create a New View as Window and Topped by Cliscylla saves steps by opening a new view and setting it to always stay on top.

new window plugin

Månadens handledning

How to record video directly from Krita and post to social media by Deevad is a comprehensive tutorial for beginner and intermediate Krita users. It takes the viewer through the initial screen set up and recommended canvas dimensions right through to the export process.

Sätt att hjälpa Krita

Krita is a Free and Open Source application, mostly developed by an international team of enthusiastic volunteers. Donations from Krita users to support maintenance and development is appreciated.

Visit Krita’s funding page to see how donations are used and explore a one-time or monthly contribution.

Märkbara ändringar i koden

Avsnittet har sammanställts av freyalupen. (6:e maj - 6:e juni, 2024)

Stabil gren (5.2.3-beta1):


Stabil gren (5.2.3-beta1+):



Stabil gren (5.2.3-beta1+) tillbakakonverterade från Unstable: Felrättningar:

Unstable branch (5.3.0-prealpha):



Dessa ändringar görs tillgängliga för testning i följande nattliga byggen:

Tycker du om vad vi gör? Hjälp stödja oss

Krita är ett projekt med fri och öppen källkod. Överväg att stödja projektet med donationer eller genom att köpa utbildningsvideor eller konstboken! Med ditt stöd kan vi hålla kärngruppen i arbete med Krita på heltid.

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