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Krita 4.2.4 Released

Previous Post | Wednesday, 31 July 2019 | Reading time: 3 minutes | Next Post

We're releasing Krita 4.2.4 today. The most important fixes are to the shortcut input system and the saving system. Krita 4.2.3 had a bug where a message window would often pop up complaining about a shortcut not being finished properly; this should no longer happen. Anna Medonosova has hardened the saving system even more, especially when closing Krita after initiating a save operation.

There are some more bug fixes coming soon, and we will release 4.2.5 with those fixes in about two weeks, after the coming Krita sprint.

Additionally, we implemented a new blending mode inspired by Easy Painttool SAI's Luminosity/Shine, please help us to test its behavior (BUG:409627).

Known Issue

If touch zoom and rotation doesn't work anymore, please remove your local default.inputrc file. Go to Settings/Manage Resources and press the Open Resource Folder button. Enter the input folder and remove all files in that folder.

Bugs Fixed



Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.


(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)


Note: the gmic-qt is not available on OSX.

Source code


For all downloads:


The Linux appimage and the source .tar.gz tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here (filenames ending in .sig).

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