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Training DVD 01 - Comics with Krita

Previous Post | Thursday, 24 November 2011 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

By comic-book artist Timothée Giet, is a combined package that comes with two parts:

Comics with Krita DVD Cover

The first ever Krita training DVD includes 6 Hours of HD video focused on creating comics from scratch, including:

All video and tutorials, show a workflow being used for real production work with Krita, today.

Format: 1920x1080p Webm video files (playable in VLC, Firefox 4+, Chromium and other players) All commentary overlaid onscreen in simple English

"Wasted Mutants / Wisdom Mountain" Comic Book


A printed (yes, actual paper!) 20 page comic-book, featuring two short comics in both black & white and full color, all made in Krita:

with the following extents:All the content of this DVD is under Creative-Commons license,

*BY : for the preset files *BY-SA : for the tutorial videos and soundtrack *BY-NC-SA : for the .kra files *BY-NC-ND : for the timelapse videos and the PDF comics files.

The Krita Team