


Check out all of the Krita merchandise and training material! All proceeds go to support the development of Krita. We sell through Gumroad because that's currently the best way to handle VAT in Europe. This unfortunately means that the prices listed here are excluding VAT, since the VAT is different in every country.

See the shipping questions at the bottom of the page for more information.

USB keycard with Krita (latest) and training

USB keycard with the newest stable version of Krita for all OSes. Includes Comics with Krita, Muses, Secrets of Krita, Animate with Krita and Digital Atelier tutorial packs.
USB キーカードを入手

Ramon Miranda's Digital Atelier Bundle

All the brushes, brush tips, patterns and surfaces from Digital Atelier.
Digital Atelier バンドルを入手

Ramon Miranda's Digital Atelier Bundle (Complete)

A complete new brush preset bundle: Digital Atelier. Not only does this contain over fifty new brush presets, more than thirty new brush tips and twenty patterns and surfaces, there is two hours of in-depth tutorial on creating brush presets.
Digital Atelier バンドルを入手

Training: Secrets of Krita (DVD)

Comics with Krita author Timothée Giet is back with his second training DVD: Secrets of Krita. Ten chapters covering topics like brush settings, layer handling, transformations and more! In depth and in detail. The DVD is English spoken with English subtitles. Read more about it!
Secrets of Krita を入手

Training: Muses (Download)

Five hours of detail-packed instruction, covering the whole process from setting up Krita to printing a finished work of art. The DVD isn’t just about using Krita’s interface. It’s a complete creative course. The video is Spanish spoken with English and Spanish subtitles.

Training: Secrets of Krita (Download)

Comics with Krita author Timothée Giet is back with his second training DVD: Secrets of Krita. Ten chapters covering topics like brush settings, layer handling, transformations and more! In depth and in detail. The DVD is English spoken with English subtitles. Read more!
Secrets of Krita を入手

Training: Animate with Krita (Download)

Krita's exciting new animation feature explained by Timothee Giet! Krita 3.0 and up comes with tools to create traditional hand-drawn 2D animation. Create the next Looney Tunes with Krita! This is a preview release, containing two of three planned parts. Everyone who buys now will receive the third part when it is ready. The first part explains the user interface and tools, the second part explains the principles of animation. The third part will showcase creating an animation from start to finish. Read more about this training course!
Animate with Krita を入手

Training: Comics with Krita (Download)

By popular demand. the first training DVD is again available. You could also torrent the DVD or watch it on Youtube, but by buying it, you support Krita development! Timothée Giet shows you how to use Krita and Scribus to create comics with only free software.
Get Comics with Krita

Made with Krita 2016 (E-edition)

You can now also get Made with Krita 2016 as a download! You will get three pdf files. A separate file for the cover and contents, suitable for high-quality printing, and a lower-resolution file, suitable for reading on a tablet or computer.
Made with Krita 2016 を入手


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