Broken Rules は Krita のスポンサーです!
Broken Rules はウィーンを拠点とするゲーム開発スタジオです。Old Man's Journey や Gibbon: Beyond the Trees など受賞したゲームとして有名です。近年 Krita のスポンサーになりました。
Known for their thoughful and candid approach to game making it comes as no surprise that their Co-Founder and Creative Director Clemens Scott has a strong stance on software projects:
"In a world full of subscription services, forced updates, feature bloat and vendor lock-ins, it's refreshing to see that alternatives are cropping up. Projects such as Blender have proven that free, open-source software can reach industry-grade levels of quality and provide a viable alternative to the status quo. I've been using Krita on a regular basis for the past two years and I would love to see it become as ubiquituous as its corporate competitors."
Old Man's Journey was the Apple Design Award Winner 2017 and iPad Game of the Year 2017.
Gibbon: Beyond the tree は 2022 年に Apple Design Award にて社会影響のカテゴリーで賞を取りました。
Clemens used Krita mainly for personal projects, such as various illustrations throughout his memex, but also for sketching out ideas on level designs for Gibbon: Beyond the Trees, which you can find on his personal page as well.
Krita を強化し続けるための支援や貢献に感謝します!
Broken Rules was founded in 2009 and has a track record of creative left-field works. Their games focus on originality, simplicity, refined game mechanics and rich interactivity.
Broken Rules founding members regard video games as important cultural achievements and seek to make every game a new and meaningful experience that lingers in the players' minds long after they powered down their computers.