How to Back a KickStarter
Step 1: Back the KickStarter Page
Kickstarter only has an English website, so all screenshots will be in English. If you use Google Chrome, you might be able to right click on the pages and click "Translate to xxx". This will make these steps much easier.
Visit the KickStarter page and click the "Back This Project" button
Step 2: Enter your Pledge Amount
Enter your pledge amount and select a reward. If you select a reward that involves shipping, you'll be prompted to include your country for extra shipping costs.
- Select your amount in dollars
- Select the reward below. Your amount will be at or above the reward.
- Seleccione su país
- Click "Continue to next step"
Step 3: Log in to KickStarter Account
If you have a Facebook account, you can use that to log in. Otherwise, you will have to create a new KickStarter account if you don't have one.
- Nombre completo
- Correo electrónico
- Repita el correo electrónico
- Contraseña
- Repita la contraseña
- Click "Sign me up!"
Paso 4: Introduzca los detalles del pago
- Nombre
- Número de tarjeta
- Mes y año de caducidad
- Número CVN
- País
- Dirección 1
- Dirección 2
- Ciudad
- Estado
- Código postal
- Click the "Pledge" button
Step 5: Complete!
You'll receive a confirmation email with your pledge details