Krita Monata Ĝisdatigo - Eldono 19
Welcome to the @Krita-promo team's September 2024 development and community update.
Evolua Raporto
Krita 5.2.6 Eldoniĝis
Krita 5.2.5 was released September 25th. However, due to a serious bug where Group Layers in Pass Through mode caused Krita to get stuck endlessly updating, a 5.2.6 hotfix release was made shortly afterward on October 1st.
Check out the 5.2.5 release post for details on the three months' worth of bugfixes, but make sure to update to 5.2.6!
Komunuma Raporto
Rezultoj de Monata Arta Defio - Septembro 2024
For the Traditional Refreshments and Snacks theme, 12 members submitted 13 original artworks. And the winner is… Sweet Lemonade by @Dott!

The October Art Challenge is Open Now
For the October Art Challenge, @Dott has chosen "Buried, Stuck, or otherwise Swallowed" as the theme, with the optional challenge of incorporating a spiral or two. See the full brief for more details, and don't hesitate to uncover some inspiration!
Elstaraj Artaĵoj
Best of Krita-Artists - August/September 2024
10 images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread, which was open from August 15th to September 11th. When the poll closed on September 14th, these five wonderful works were voted into the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner:
Study practice by @Gertsa_Ivan

Kiki recruiting for the Monthly Challenge by @Corentin

"Friend from Nowhere" by @Elixiah

XullFA by @tonnybranzza

Portrait of a woman in profile by @Celes

Best of Krita-Artists - September/October 2024
Nominations will be accepted until October 11th. Take a look through the current submissions. If you don’t see your favorite artwork there, why not make a nomination?
Manieroj Helpi al Krita
Krita estas Libera kaj Malfermfonta Programaro evoluigita de internacia teamo de sponsoritaj programistoj kaj volontulaj kontribuantoj.
Visit Krita's funding page to see how user donations keep development going, and explore a one-time or monthly contribution. Or check out more ways to Get Involved, from testing, coding, translating, and documentation writing, to just sharing your artwork made with Krita.
The Krita-promo team has put out a call for volunteers, come join us and help keep these monthly updates going.
Rimarkindaj Ŝanĝoj
Notable changes in Krita's development builds from Sept. 6 - Oct. 7, 2024.
Stabila branĉo (5.2.5):
- Animacio: Riparu animaciojn blokitajn dum uzado de klonaj tavoloj kun transformaj maskoj. (raporto pri eraro) (Ŝanĝo, de Dmitry Kazakov)
- Animacio: Riparu la bildigon de cepaj haŭtoj sur tavoloj kun transformaj maskoj. (raporto pri eraro) (Ŝanĝo, de Dmitry Kazakov)
- Animation: Make Render Animation dialog remember previous video container format. (bug report) (Change, by Emmet O'Neill)
- Animation: Allow video animation import process to be canceled. (bug report) (Change, by Emmet O'Neill)
- Compositions Docker: Allow animated composition export to be canceled. (bug report) (Change, by Emmet O'Neill)
- Layer Stack: Fix conversion of Group Layer to Animated Layer. (bug report) (Change 1 and change 2, by Emmet O'Neill)
- Undo Stack: Fix quickly undoing and then redoing some actions like Remove Layer to work. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Layer Stack: Keep Clone Layers linked when flattening their source group. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Layer Stack: Fix updating Pass Through groups when using the Move or Transform Tool on them. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Pasting: Deselect selection when pasting from the clipboard, to avoid leaving anti-aliased selection edges out of Transform or other operations that might happen afterward. (bug report) (Change, Dmitry Kazakov)
- Snapshot Docker: Fix wrong layer being selected when activating a snapshot. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Specific Color Selector Docker: Update Specific Color Selector labels in HSX mode, fix RGB sliders changing length, fix holding down spinbox arrows, and set float slider step to 0.01. (bug 475551, bug 453649, CC bug 453366) (Change, by Freya Lupen)
- Assistant Tool: Fix undoing changes to Perspective Assistants causing Perspective Distance brush value to be incorrect. (bug report) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- File Formats: JPEG-XL: Update JXL to 0.11 which includes fixes for speed and lossless encoding, and implement streaming encode which allows cancelling animated and layered export. (Change, by Rasyuqa A H)
Stabila branĉo (5.2.6):
- Layer Stack: Fix updating Pass Through groups getting stuck at 0% progress forever, a regression in 5.2.5. (bug 493774, bug 493830, bug 493837) (Change, by Dmitry Kazakov)
- Python Plugins: Photobash Images Docker: Fix script error when adding images to canvas from the Photobash Images Docker. (Change, by Pedro Reis)
Stabila branĉo (5.2.7-prealpha):
- Tavola Stako: Riparu paneon kiam vi provas kunfandi tavolon kreitan de la Teksta Ilo aŭ Elektu->Konverti al Formo post aldono de referenca bildo. (raporto pri eraro) (Ŝanĝo, de Dmitry Kazakov)
- Layer Stack: Fix issue with position of layers copy-pasted from another document. (bug report) (Change, by Ralek Kolemios and Dmitry Kazakov)
- Tools: Let brush shortcuts such as to change size affect the Bezier Curve and Freehand Path tools. (bug report) (Change, by Doreene Kang)
- General: Add A1 and A2 predefined image sizes. (Change, by Guillaume Marrec)
Malstabila branĉo (5.3.0-prealpha):
- macOS: Canvas Input: Show macOS modifier key symbols in Canvas Input Settings, as Keyboard Shortcuts already does, instead of the non-Mac names. (bug report) (Change, by Freya Lupen)
- Animacia Timeline Docker: Alĝustigu la zomnivelon de la kadra vido por konveni la kadran gamon kiam ĝi ŝanĝiĝas. (raporto pri deziro) (Ŝanĝo, de Emmet O'Neill )
Nightly Builds
Pre-release versions of Krita are built every day for testing new changes.
Akiru la plej novajn erarojn en Stable "Krita Plus" (5.2.7-prealpha): [Linukso]( linukso) - Vindozo - macOS (sensubskribita) - [Android arm64-v8a]( /graphics/krita/krita-5.2/android-arm64-v8a) - Android arm32-v7a - Android x86_64
Aŭ provu la plej novajn Eksperimentajn funkciojn en "Krita Next" (5.3.0-prealpha). Reago kaj cimraportoj estas aprezitaj!: Linukso - [Vindozo]( -builds/graphics/krita/master/windows) - macOS (sensubskribita) - Android arm64-v8a - [Android arm32-v7a](https://cdn.kde. org/ci-builds/graphics/krita/master/android-arm32-v7a) - Android x86_64
Have feedback?
Join the discussion of this post on the Krita-Artists forum!