Krita Monata Ĝisdatigo - Eldono 16
Bonvenon al la plej novaj evoluaj kaj komunumaj novaĵoj prizorgataj por vi de la teamo Krita-promo.
Evolua raporto
Krita havas 25 jarojn!
May 31, 2024 marks Krita’s 25th birthday. As one would expect, there have been many changes over the years – even the name changed several times. You can get a look inside Krita’s history in this blog post written by @Halla, Krita’s Maintainer for more than 20 years.
In honour of this milestone, @RamonM prepared a special treat for all Krita users: a video interview with @Halla.
Your feedback is requested
- 5.2.3-Beta1 was released June 5th. This release represents a complete rework of the build system and numerous fixes by the core Krita developer team as well as freyalupen, Grum999, NabilMaghfurUsman, Deif_Lou, Alvin Wong, Rasyuqa A. H. and Mathias Wein. There are a number of first-time contributors whose names appear next to their contribution in the release notes.
- Testing packages for every platform are provided on the release notes page. Please report your findings and feedback in the Testers Wanted thread.
- Text property editing: Merge request 2092 is almost finished, awaiting review. Testing builds are now available on the CI. @Wolthera is requesting user feedback on the UX. Please read this post and share your comments there.
- Google Summer of Code (GSOC) @Ken_Lo is seeking input on the Pixel Perfect project
Other Development Highlights
- Free transform bounding box rotation by Stuffin has been merged. This completes the feature request Adjusting the transform box to match the object angle in the drawing and can be tested in the 5.3.0-prealpha nightly. (Note to testers: Adjusting the bounding box is activated with Ctrl+Alt.) Thanks stuffin!
- Grum999 is improving the python API so that it is more robust for python developers and they can access more of krita’s internal features through python. There is a work-in-progress MR to add new scripting functions for accessing Grids, Guides, and Mirror Axes from the document, and signals for changes in the document and view. Check the MR
- @Ralek has added lossless transformation conditions - Rotations in increments of 90 degrees, and perfect x and y mirrors should now be lossless. This should greatly help out pixel artists, who I believe previously could not use these functions at all. Check the MR
Komunuma Raporto
Majo 2024 Monata Arta Defio
And the winner is… Cat Reflection by Elixiah.
For the June Art Challenge, Elixiah has chosen Magnificent Dragon with an interesting optional challenge for any who care to give themselves an added stretch.
Elstaraj artaĵoj
Ten images were submitted to the Best of Krita-Artists Nominations thread which was open from April 14th to May 11th. When voting closed on May 14th, these five had the most votes and were added to the Krita-Artists featured artwork banner.
Quiet Morning by @Gurkirat_Singh.
Pollinatrix Terrae by @jimplex.
The Lone Rider-2 by @rohithela.
005 (Spider in the web) by @HappyBuket.
Challenge Horn by @MangooSalade.
In addition to their place of honour on the banner, all five will be entered into the Best of Krita-Artists 2024 competition next January. The Best of Krita-Artists May/June Nominations thread will be open for submissions until June 11, 2024. You are invited to join in by nominating your favourite piece of Krita artwork!
Rimarkinda Kromaĵo
Create a New View as Window and Topped by Cliscylla saves steps by opening a new view and setting it to always stay on top.
Tutorial de la monato
How to record video directly from Krita and post to social media by Deevad is a comprehensive tutorial for beginner and intermediate Krita users. It takes the viewer through the initial screen set up and recommended canvas dimensions right through to the export process.
Manieroj helpi Krita
Krita estas Libera kaj Malfermfonta aplikaĵo, plejparte evoluigita de internacia teamo de entuziasmaj volontuloj. Donacoj de uzantoj de Krita por subteni prizorgadon kaj disvolviĝon estas aprezitaj.
Visit Krita’s funding page to see how donations are used and explore a one-time or monthly contribution.
Rimarkindaj Ŝanĝoj en la kodo
Ĉi tiu sekcio estis kompilita de freyalupen. (majo 6 - junio 6, 2024)
Stabila branĉo (5.2.3-beta1):
- Ĝenerale Ne malŝparu memoron generante malplenajn animaciajn kadrojn sur bildoj sen animacio. Ĉi tio estis regreso en 5.2.x. (commit, Dmitry Kazakov)
- Storyboard Docker Riparu reordigado de storyboard-scenoj kaŭzante ĉiujn framdatumojn esti forigitaj dum ankoraŭ ŝajnante ĉeesti. (BUG:476440) (kunfandopeto, Freya Lupen)
- Android: Animacio Riparu paneon kiam vi provas ŝargi audio sur Android, regreso ĉeestanta en (kunfandpeto, Dmitry Kazakov)
Stabila branĉo (5.2.3-beta1+):
- Animiĝo Ripari paneon dum aldono de ŝlosilframa kolumno kun ŝlosita tavolo elektita. (BUG:486893) (commit, Dmitry Kazakov
- Klavaraj ŝparvojoj Daŭrigante elektadon, ignoru aliajn modifajn ŝparvojojn por eviti konfliktojn. (kunfandpeto, Aqaao)
- Dosierformatoj: TIFF Petu uzi PSD-datumojn en TIFF nur se iu ajn estis trovita. (BUG:488024) (commit, Freya Lupen
- General, macOS Fix update of "read-only" state of the document when loading and saving. Fixes a crash on macOS when loading TIFF or JPEG-XL recent file icons (which load a temporary document). (BUG:487544) (commit, Dmitry Kazakov)
- Android, Recorder Docker Ripari la konservadon de registrilaj kadroj kiel JPEG en Android, regreso ĉeestanta en (BUG:487667) (commit, Dmitrij Kazakov563)
- Android, Ĝenerala Plibonigu la apk-piktogramojn de Krita por sekvi Android-dezajnajn gvidliniojn. (BUG:463043) (kunfandpeto, Jesse 205)
- Scripting Generate a Python type stub file for Krita's API, which can be used to setup type auto-completion in IDEs, located inside the Krita package at /lib/krita-python-libs/PyKrita/krita.pyi. (merge request, Kate Corcoran)
Stabilaj branĉoj (5.2.3-beta1+) malantaŭaj portaĵoj de Malstabila: Cimoj:
- Recorder Docker Reworked default recorder docker FFmpeg profiles. If canvas size changes during recording, the export profiles now keep aspect instead of stretching (BUG:429326). Issues with resize, result preview, and extend result are avoided (BUG:455006, BUG:450790, BUG:485515, BUG:485514). For MP4, detect whether openh264 or libx264 is present instead of using separate profiles. Also, prevent an error when using FFmpeg 7. (merge request, Ralek Kolemios)
- ** Elektaj Iloj ** Ripari problemon farante elektojn sur koloretikeditaj referencaj elektoj. (BUG:486419) (commit, Deif Lou)
Malstabila branĉo (5.3.0-prealpha):
- Transformilo Permesu turni la liberan transforman limkeston per Ctrl+Alt, por fari transformojn laŭ arbitra akso. (WISHBUG:383587) (kunfandpeto, Stuffins)
- Transforma Ilo Certigu, ke perfektaj speguloj kaj 90-gradaj rotacioj estas transformitaj senperde. (kunfandpeto, Ralek Kolemios)
- Mallongigoj Riparu Ekzempla Ekrana Koloro blokiĝanta se aktivigita plurfoje sen kompletigo. (BUG:485739) (kunfandpeto, Deif Lou)
- Scripting Ripari la agordon de Koloro-Alĝustigo (pokanala) kaj Transkanalaj filtriloj el Python-skriptoj. (kunfandpeto, Deif Lou)
Ĉi tiuj ŝanĝoj estas disponeblaj por testado en la sekvaj Noktaj konstruoj:
- Stabila "Krita Plus" (5.2.3-beta1+): Linukso - Vindozo - [macOS]( -5.2/macos) [nesubskribita nuntempe] - Android (arm64-v8a / arm32- v7a / [x86_64]( graphics/krita/krita-5.2/android-x86_64))
- Malstabila "Krita Next" (5.3.0-prealpha): Linukso - Vindozo - macOS [ nesubskribita nuntempe] - Android (arm64-v8a / [arm32-v7a](https://cdn / x86_64)