Last week in Krita — week 23 & 24
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Even with the effort of designing, launching and running the kickstarterwe haven’t stopped developing!
In the last two weeks, besides the coding work on the git …
New in Krita: Painting with Exposure and Gamma
Friday, 13 June 2014
Running a kickstarter campaign can be quite exhausting! But that doesn't mean that coding stops -- here is one new Krita 2.9 feature that we prepared earlier: …
Give Krita 2.9 a Kickstart!
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
After the successful release of Krita 2.8, the advanced open source digital painting application, the we're kicking off the work on the next release with a …
Last week in Krita — week 21&22
Monday, 2 June 2014
Last weekend we celebrated a Krita sprint in Deventer, an event that reunites Krita’s developers to talk about, coordinate and if possible code the next steps …
Interview with Wayne Parker
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Would you like to tell us something about yourself? My name is Wayne Parker. I'm a professional illustrator from Virginia Beach, VA, but living in …
Last week in Krita — week 20
Sunday, 18 May 2014
When a feature is proposed there is discussion and feedback before getting into coding and implementation. The debate continues until most devs and artists …
Krita 2.8.3 Released
Thursday, 15 May 2014
The third monthly bugfix release for Krita 2.8 is out! Download your Windows installer now, or get your distribution's updated packages! There are quite a few …
Last week in Krita — week 19
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Big changes are made through small steps, and this week we made a lot of them. The team worked hard to unify tag management, standardize color rendering across …
Road to Providence: a new game being made with Krita
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Remember Playkot's Supercity? Game artist Paul Geraskin liked has just started a crowdfunding campaign to support working on a new indie game, inspired by …
Last week in Krita — week 18
Friday, 2 May 2014
It’s been a busy week at Krita development headquarters. And with so much work being done I feel proud to share all the great stuff that’s happening on the main …
Meet Danas Anis
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Hello, my name is Danas, better known publicly by my nickname Danas Anis. I am a multimedia design artist working at Bstudija print design and manufacturing …
Help the Krita Team!
Monday, 28 April 2014
Great software like Krita doesn't happen all by itself. There's development, of course! Volunteer work (like Manuel Riecke's new Posterize filter), sponsored …