The votes are in!
Monday, 4 August 2014
Every backer who pledged 25 euros or more had a chance to vote for their favorite feature -- and the now the votes are in and have been tallied up! Here are the …
After the Kickstarter...
Friday, 18 July 2014
Running a kickstarter is very much like, well, running! Running for thirty solid days. So the weekend after the Kickstarter ended, all of us slacked off a bit, …
The Finish Line!
Thursday, 10 July 2014
So this morning, with a last-minute upgrade we very, very nearly broke the 20,000 euro level and Krita's first Kickstarter campaign ended! Thank you, everyone …
Last Couple of Hours: Help Krita Break our Final Goal... (+Thank You Present!)
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Thank you everyone for your amazing support! We're so close to breaking through 20K, and with your help we can and will do it! To say thank-you, once we break …
Only 34 hours left...
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Krita's 2014 crowdfunding campaign is nearly at the end! Only 30 or so hours left before it comes to a close. We're at nearly 700 backers and close to 19,000 …
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
With 518 backers and 15,157 euros, we've passed the target goal and we're 100% funded. That means that Dmitry can work on Krita for the next six months, adding …
Last week in Krita — weeks 25 & 26
Monday, 30 June 2014
This last two weeks have been very exiting with the kickstarter campaign getting closer and closer to the pledge objective. At the time of writing we just …
Last week in Krita — week 23 & 24
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Even with the effort of designing, launching and running the kickstarterwe haven’t stopped developing!
In the last two weeks, besides the coding work on the git …
New in Krita: Painting with Exposure and Gamma
Friday, 13 June 2014
Running a kickstarter campaign can be quite exhausting! But that doesn't mean that coding stops -- here is one new Krita 2.9 feature that we prepared earlier: …
Give Krita 2.9 a Kickstart!
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
After the successful release of Krita 2.8, the advanced open source digital painting application, the we're kicking off the work on the next release with a …
Last week in Krita — week 21&22
Monday, 2 June 2014
Last weekend we celebrated a Krita sprint in Deventer, an event that reunites Krita’s developers to talk about, coordinate and if possible code the next steps …
Interview with Wayne Parker
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Would you like to tell us something about yourself? My name is Wayne Parker. I'm a professional illustrator from Virginia Beach, VA, but living in …