Krita 2.9.2 Released
Thursday, 2 April 2015
It's April! We've got another bug-fix and polish release of Krita! Here are the improvements:
Make the eraser end of the stylus erase by default Make krita …
First Krita Book Published in Japan
Monday, 30 March 2015
Today we got mail from Kayoko Matsumoto that the first book about Krita has gone into print!
You can get the book from Amazon or Mynavi. Kayoko has …
Interview with Odysseas Stamoglou
Monday, 30 March 2015
Could you tell us something about yourself? My name is Odysseas Stamoglou, I am an artist born in Athens, Greece. I am currently based in Vienna, working …
Help Making a Krita Master Class Possible!
Thursday, 19 March 2015
The Belgium Blender User Group is currently holding a crowdfunding campaign to make it possible to organize four master classes about 3D and Digital art in …
Interview with Abbigail Ward
Monday, 16 March 2015
Would you like to tell us something about yourself? Hi, my name is Abbigail Ward. I am a published illustrator and fine art student.
Krita 2.9.1 Released
Monday, 16 March 2015
The first bugfix release for Krita 2.9 is out! There are now builds for Windows, OSX and CentOS 6 available. While bug fixing is going on unabated, Dmitry has …
Monthly Drawing Challenge
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
(by jmf)
The new monthly drawing challenge on the Krita forums now really boots up! The first run in February was mainly a test run. After that a lot of people …
Interview with Igor Leskov
Monday, 2 March 2015
Would you like to tell us something about yourself? I like cinema and I like to draw motion pictures. I do not like very much to draw static pictures but …
Updated Windows Builds
Friday, 27 February 2015
We prepared new Windows builds today. They contain the following updates:
Improved brush presets. The existing presets were not optimized for Windows …
Krita 2.9.0: the Kickstarter Release
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
The culmination of over eight months of work, Krita 2.9 is the biggest Krita release until now! It’s so big, we can’t just do the release announcement in only …
Interview with Chris Jones
Monday, 16 February 2015
Would you like to tell us something about yourself? I live in Melbourne, Australia, and have worked as an illustrator, concept artist, matte painter and …
Last Beta release for Krita 2.9
Friday, 13 February 2015
We're getting so close to the release now! (Check the count-down counter on!) Sure, there are still a bunch of bugs to fix, but we're down to very …