Launching the Krita Learning Place!
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
For months, we have been working on something awesome:! And now it's the time to share our work with you. Over the past year, we created a …
Krita 2.9.11 and the second 3.0 alpha build!
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Today, we're releasing the eleventh bugfix release for Krita 2.9 and the second development preview release of Krita 3.0! We are not planning more bug fix …
Interview with Jóhann Örn Geirdal
Monday, 1 February 2016
Could you tell us something about yourself? My name is Jóhann Örn Geirdal and I am a professional artist and a fine art gallery supervisor. I'm from …
Kicking off 2016 -- the first Krita Sprint
Monday, 25 January 2016
This weekend, we had our place full of hackers again. The Calligra Text Layout Sprint coincided with the Krita 2016 Kick-Off Sprint. Over the course of the …
Interview with Cremuss
Monday, 18 January 2016
Could you tell us something about yourself? My name is Ghislain, I'm 25 years old and I live in Saint-Etienne, France. I've worked as a freelancer in the video …
First Krita 3.0 pre-alpha!
Sunday, 17 January 2016
More than a year in the making... We proudly present the first pre-alpha version of Krita 3.0 you can actually try to run! So what is Krita 3.0 pre-alpha? It's …
Interview with SchwarzerAlptraum
Monday, 4 January 2016
Could you tell us something about yourself? I moved to Germany from Canada after a thought experiment involving the German language. I work as a software …
January drawing challenge
Sunday, 3 January 2016
We're starting the new year with a new drawing challenge! Here it is on the forum. The topic is Horizon(s).
You can enter until January 24, UTC mid-day. See the …
Interview with serenitywing
Monday, 21 December 2015
Could you tell us something about yourself? Hello, I am a young woman who is passionate about colorful art and details. My addiction to details is a …
Game Art Quest update
Friday, 18 December 2015
Nathan here:
Hey there! I’m back with 3 more videos, but also with an important announcement.
First, we’re pretty close to the first stretch goal now. …
Coming soon: Roda Pantura
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Indonesian artist Hizkia Subiyantoro is working on a short animated film, Roda Pantura (Wheels of Pantura), to be finished in late January 2016.
The motto of …
Second Animation Beta
Saturday, 12 December 2015
With lots of bug fixes. This is still based on the stable 2.9 version of Krita, though, not on what will become Krita 3.0. But there are a lot of crash fixes, …