Interview with Rositsa Zaharieva
Monday, 25 December 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? My name is Rositsa (also known as Roz) and I’m somewhat of a late blooming artist. When I was a kid I was …
Interview with Rytelier
Monday, 11 December 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? I'm Rytelier, a digital artist. I've had an interest in creating art for a few years, I mainly want to …
Interview with Radian
Monday, 27 November 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? Hello, I’m Radian. I'm a digital artist from Russia. Honestly, I don’t know what else to say here :)
Krita Development Sprint 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
With all the turmoil the project experienced in 2017 it looked for a while as if we wouldn't have a face to face meeting this year. But that's not good for a …
Interview with Lars Pontoppidan
Monday, 13 November 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? Yes certainly! I'm Lars Pontoppidan; a 36 year old, self-employed programmer, game developer, musician and …
Learn Digital Painting with Krita in Bogota, Colombia
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Lina Porras and David Saenz from the Ubuntu Colombia user group wrote to tell us that they will give an introduction to digital painting with Krita starting …
4.0 Development Update
Monday, 6 November 2017
And then we realized we hadn't posted news about ongoing Krita development for some time now. The main reason is that we've, well, been really busy doing …
Krita 3.3.2 Released
Friday, 3 November 2017
Today we are releasing Krita 3.3.2, a bugfix release for Krita 3.3.0. This release fixes two important regressions:
Krita 3.3.1 would read brush presets with …
Interview with Erica Wagner
Monday, 30 October 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? I’m Erica Wagner, a STEAM Nerd, Teenpreneur, Author, Instructor, YouTuber and self-taught 2D and 3D artist. …
Interview with Cillian Clifford
Monday, 16 October 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? Hi everyone - my name is Cillian Clifford, I’m a 21 year old hobbyist artist and electronic musician, and an …
Krita 3.3.1
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Today we are releasing Krita 3.3.1, a bugfix release for Krita 3.3.0. This release fixes two important regressions:
Krita would crash if you would restart …
Interview with Emily Wei
Monday, 2 October 2017
Could you tell us something about yourself? Hi! My name is Emily Wei, and I'm 19 years old. I was born in Taiwan, but I grew up in New Jersey. Right now, …