Shop update! Digital Atelier and a new USB-Card
We promised Digital Atelier would be available in the Krita Shop after the succesful finish of the Fundraiser. A bit later than expected, we've updated the shop with the Digital Atelier brush preset bundle and tutorial download:
There are fifty great brush presents, more than thirty brush tips, twenty paper textures and almost twohours of in-depth video tutorial, working you through the process of creating new brush presets.
Digital Atelier sells for 39,95 euros, ex VAT.
And we've also created a new USB-card, with the newest stable version of Krita for all OSes. Includes Comics with Krita, Muses, Secrets of Krita and Animate with Krita tutorial packs.
The usb-card is available in two versions: as-is, for €29,95 and (manually) updated to the latest version of Krita for €34,95.