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Paris Art School Looking for Krita Teacher

Previous Post | Monday, 17 September 2018 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

An art school in Paris, France, is looking for a Krita teacher! This is pretty cool, isn't it? If you're interested, please mail and we'll forward your mail to the school!

A freelance Krita teacher to teach basics to art school students, Paris 11e. November 2018.

The course has to be mainly in french (could be half in english). That's full-days session with differents students group (28 students x 5 classes).

Profile: Game artist, Concept artist, digital painter, illustrator... please send your website if interested!

Cherche formateur auto-entrepreneur pour cours de Krita à des étudiants en Ecole d'Art, Paris 11. Novembre 2018.

Le cours doit être majoritairement donné en français, mais anglais partiel possible. Jours pleins à l'école avec différents groupes d'étudiants (28 étudiants x 5 classes).

Profil: Game artist, Concept artist, digital painter, illustrateur... merci d'envoyer votre site si intéressé !