Krita 4.1.1 Released
Today we're releasing Krita 4.1.1, the first bug fix release for Krita 4.1.0.
- Fix loading PyKrita when using PyQt 5.11 (patch by Antonio Rojas, thanks!) (BUG:396381)
- Fix possible crashes with vector objects (BUG:396145)
- Fix an issue when resizing pixel brushes in the brush editor (BUG:396136)
- Fix loading the system language on macOS if more than one language is enabled in macOS
- Don't show the unimplemented color picker button in the vector object tool properties docker (BUG:389525)
- Fix activation of the autosave time after a modify, save, modify cycle (BUG:393266)
- Fix out-of-range lookups in the cross-channel curve filter (BUG:396244)
- Fix an assert when pressing PageUp into the reference images layer
- Avoid a crash when merging layers in isolated mode (BUG:395981)
- Fix loading files with a transformation mask that uses the box transformation filter (BUG:395979)
- Fix activating the transform tool if the Box transformation filter was selected (BUG:395979)
- Warn the user when using an unsupported version of Windows
- Fix a crash when hiding the last visible channel (BUG:395301)
- Make it possible to load non-conforming GPL palettes like
- Simplify display of the warp transformation grid
- Re-add the Invert Selection menu entry (BUG:395764)
- Use KFormat to show formatted numbers (Patch by Pino Toscano, thanks!)
- Hide the color sliders config page
- Don't pick colors from fully transparent reference images (BUG:396358)
- Fix a crash when embedding a reference image
- Fix some problems when saving and loading reference images (BUG:396143)
- Fix the color picker tool not working on reference images (BUG:396144)
- Extend the panning range to include any reference images
Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.
64 bits Windows: krita-x64-4.1.1-setup.exe
Portable 64 bits Windows:
32 bits Windows: krita-x86-4.1.1-setup.exe
Portable 32 bits Windows:
- 64 bits Linux: krita-4.1.1-x86_64.appimage
- 64 bits Linux G'Mic-Qt plugin appimage.
(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)
When it is updated, you can also use the Krita Lime PPA to install Krita 4.1.1 on Ubuntu and derivatives. We are working on an updated snap.
- OSX disk image: krita-4.1.1.dmg
Note: the touch docker, gmic-qt and python plugins are not available on OSX.
Source code
- Source code: krita-4.1.1.tar.gz
For all downloads:
The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here (filenames ending in .sig).

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