Skip to content -- the Krita Question and Answers Site!

Previous Post | Tuesday, 27 November 2018 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

With the help of the awesome KDE sysadmin team, Scott Petrovic has created -- the Krita Question and Answers site.

In the past couple of years, Krita has become more and more popular. With over a million downloads a year, there are now so many users that it's become impossible to answer every question for the developers. The forum, bugzilla, reddit, twitter -- there are too many places where people ask questions that have often been answered before. Nobody reads a plain old FAQ anymore, after all. is a place where it's simple to find out if your question has been asked before, simple to ask a question, and simple to answer a question. It's a central place where, we hope, Krita users will get together and help each other. Like a stackoverflow site, or like


Keep in mind that there are many hundreds of thousands of users, and only a few developers, so help each other as much as you can!