Krita 3.3.1
Today we are releasing Krita 3.3.1, a bugfix release for Krita 3.3.0. This release fixes two important regressions:
- Krita would crash if you would restart Krita after closing Krita with the reference images docker set to floating
- Krita 3.3.0 could not read .kra backup files or .kra files that were unzipped, then zipped up manually.
Additionally, there are the following fixes and improvements:
- Fix a crash when creating a swap file on OSX (Bernhard Liebl).
- Merge down does not remove locked layers anymore (Nikita Smirnov)
- Various performance improvements, especially for macOS (Bernhard Liebl)
- Improve the look and feel of dragging and dropping layers (Bernhard Liebl)
- Improve the tooltips in the brush preset selector (Bernhard Liebl)
- Fix a memory leak in the color selectors (Boudewijn Rempt)
- Fix rotation and tilt when using the Windows Ink api (Alvin Wong)
- Don't allow the fill tool to be used on group layers (Boudewijn Rempt)
- Add brightness and contrast sliders for textured brushes (Rad)
- Add paste-at-cursor (Dmitry Kazakov)
- Improve performance of the cpu canvas (Alvin Wong)
- Fix a crash on closing Krita when there is something on the clipboard (Dmitry Kazakov)
- Add a button to open a file layer's image in Krita (Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier)
Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.
64 bits Windows: krita-3.3.1-x64-setup.exe
Portable 64 bits Windows:
32 bits Windows: krita-3.3.1-x86-setup.exe
Portable 32 bits Windows:
Explorer Shell extension: kritashellex-
- 64 bits Linux: krita-3.3.1-x86_64.appimage
(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)
When it is updated, you can also use the Krita Lime PPA to install Krita 3.3.1 on Ubuntu and derivatives. There is also an updated snap.
- OSX disk image: krita-3.3.1.dmg
Note: the gmic-qt and pdf plugins are not available on OSX.
Source code
- Source code: krita-3.3.1.tar.gz
For all downloads:
The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here.

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