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Krita 3.3.0 - first release candidate

Previous Post | Thursday, 21 September 2017 | Reading time: 4 minutes | Next Post

Less than a month after Krita 3.2.1, we're getting ready to release Krita 3.3.0. We're bumping the version because there are some important changes for Windows users in this version!

Alvin Wong has implemented support for the Windows 8 event API, which means that Krita now supports the n-trig pen in the Surface line of laptops (and similar laptops from Dell, HP and Acer) natively. This is still very new, so you have to enable this in the tablet settings:

And he also refactored Krita's hardware-accelerated display functionality to optionally use Angle on Windows instead of native OpenGL. That means that many problems with Intel display chips and broken driver versions are worked around because Krita now indirectly uses Direct3D.

There are more changes in this release, of course:



Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes. There are no 32 bits packages at this point, but there will be for the final release.


(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)

When it is updated, you can also use the Krita Lime PPA to install Krita 3.3.0-rc.1 on Ubuntu and derivatives.


Note: the gmic-qt and pdf plugins are not available on OSX.

Source code


For all downloads:


The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here.

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