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4.0 Development Update

Previous Post | Monday, 6 November 2017 | Reading time: 7 minutes | Next Post

And then we realized we hadn't posted news about ongoing Krita development for some time now. The main reason is that we've, well, been really busy doing development. The other reason is that we're stuck making fully-featured preview builds on OSX and Linux. More about that later...

So, what's been going on? Some of the things we've been doing were backported to Krita 3.2 and 3.3, like support for the Windows 8 Pointer API, support for the ANGLE Direct3D display renderer, the new gmic-qt G'Mic plugin, new commandline options, support for touch painting, the new smart patch tool, new brush presets and blending modes... But there is also a lot of other work that simply couldn't be backported to 3.x.

The last time we did a development update with Krita 4.0 was in June 2017: the first development build for 4.0 already had a large number of new features:

What has been recently added to Krita 4.0

Big performance improvements

After the development build release we sent out a user survey:  In case you didn't see the results of our last survey this was the summary.

The biggest item on the list was lag. Lag can have many meanings, and there will always be brushes or operations that are not instant. But we had the opportunity the past couple of months to work on an outside project to help improve the performance of Krita. While we knew this might delay the release of Krita 4.0, it would be much appreciated by artists. Some of the performance improvements contain the following:

Here's a video of Wolthera using the multithreaded brushes:

Performance Benchmarking

We also added performance benchmarking. We can see much more accurately how brushes are performing and make our brushes better/optimized in the future:



Pixel Grid

Andrey Kamakin added an option to show a thin grid around pixels if you zoom in enough:

Live Brush Preview

Scott Petrovic has been working with a number of artists to rework the brush editor. There have been many things changed including renaming brushes and  better saving options.  There's also a live stroke preview now to see what happens when you change settings. Parts of the editor can be shown or hidden to accommodate for smaller monitors.

Isometric Grid

The grid now has a new Isometric option. This can be controlled and modified through the grid docker:





And there's of course a lot of bug fixes, UI polish, performance improvements, small feature improvements. The list is too long to keep here, so we're working on a separate release notes page. These notes, like this Krita 4.0 build, are very much a work in progress!

Features currently working on

There are still a number of features we want to have done before we release Krita 4.0:

And then there are no doubt things missing from the big new features, like SVG vector layers and Python scripting that need to be implemented, there will be bugs that need to be fixed. We've made packages for you to download and test, but be warned, there are bugs. And:

This is pre-alpha code. It will crash. It will do weird things. It might even destroy your images on saving!


You can have both Krita 3 and Krita 4 on the same system. They will use the same configuration (for now, that might change), which means that either Krita 3 or Krita 4 can get confused. They will use the same resources folder, so brush presets and so on are shared.


Right now, all releases and builds, except for the Lime PPA, are created by the project maintainer, Boudewijn Rempt. This is not sustainable! Only for the Windows build, a third person is helping out by maintaining the scripts needed to build and package Krita. We really do need people to step up and help maintain the Linux and macOS/OSX builds. This means that:

Windows Download

Note for Windows users: if you encounter crashes, please follow these instructions to use the debug symbols so we can figure out where Krita crashes.

There are no 32 bits Windows builds yet. There is no installer.

Linux Download

(If, for some reason, Firefox thinks it needs to load this as text: to download, right-click on the link.)

OSX Download

Note: the gmic-qt and pdf plugins are not available on OSX.

Source code


For all downloads:


The Linux appimage and the source tarball are signed. You can retrieve the public key over https here: 0x58b9596c722ea3bd.asc. The signatures are here.

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