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Krita 3.0: The Animation Release

Previous Post | Friday, 27 May 2016 | Reading time: 10 minutes | Next Post

Krita 3.0 is finally here! Releasing round version-number releases is always exciting for any kind of project. It's like the start of a new beginning! And 3.0 presents a lot of new beginnings to us as well: First, we have now our own repository, for our code, as well as our own wiki, for the manual! So we started this release with a Spring-cleaning: Porting to Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5, necessary to keep Krita easy to maintain in the future. But also cleaning out the code. We removed lines of dustbunny code and reorganized all the files. We also started work on making OSX a first-class platform for Krita, but though we've already done lots of work, that is still a work in progress.

And of course, rewriting the core rendering system, for what you have all been waiting for. If you haven't already, check out the Krita 3.0 Video Review from GDQuest...

True Blue 2d Frame-By-Frame Animation


Image by Achille

You can now do proper frame-by-frame animation in Krita. Multiple layers, all sorts of playback speeds, onion skinning, on top of all of Krita's existing paint tools: It's enough to make any animator's fingers itch!

Faster, Stronger, Instant!

It is easy to make a timeline docker, but it's not easy to have fast playback, and we know that animation in Krita would just be a gimmick without real-time playback. Therefore speeding up was paramount!

Faster Layer Workflow

More Layer Actions

User Interface Improvements for Layer Management

We spent a long time discussing the most important parts to managing layers and what needs to be seen. From this, we updated the entire layers docker. This new look comes with some additional functionality.

Shortcut Improvements!


Grids, Guides and Snapping:


User Interface




Other changes


Improved Learning and Education


New manual website! - Pressing F1 now takes you to the new learning area on This has more information and should be a better resource for answering your issues. It includes a type-ahead search as well as a static navigation on the left.

Technology Upgrade

Konqui, the KDE mascot by Tyson Tan

For 3.0, we had the QT5 and KF5 port, but that is not the only thing we changed:

 Special Thank You

The Kickstarter campaign has helped tremendously with adding some of these features. If we go behind the scenes, there are a lot of talented individuals that made this release so great. Most of these people donated their time and energy to fix bugs, test, add features, or otherwise make Krita a better application. These people are at the heart of Krita. Thank you all!


Little Red Riding Hood - Rakugaki300




Walk - Rakugaki300


Mizukeiii (Studying Witch) - Mizukeiii



Pepper and Carrot by David Revoy






animation by temmie chang

@tuyoki (twitter)


@tuyoki (twitter)