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Call for submissions for the 2016 Art of Krita Book

Previous Post | Wednesday, 22 June 2016 | Reading time: 3 minutes | Next Post

The Krita Foundation is going to publish a glossy, shiny book of art created with Krita! This book will be sent out to the seventy Kickstarter backers who selected the artbook as their reward, and it will be available from the Krita shop. We'll also try and make sure it's available through online bookshops! It's the very first time the Krita Foundation will publish a book, and we're really excited about it.


And we're sure you will be excited, too. it's kind of a historic moment, after all, so who wouldn't want to be in on the very first Krita Art book? Space is going to be limited, though, so we're going to assemble a jury of seasoned Krita artists to vet all submissions and make the final selection.

But first, we need you to submit your artwork for publication!

The book will be printed professionally, either hard-cover or soft-cover (that depends on the final page count). The dimensions are 200 x 280 mm. There will be a glossy color page and a black & white page available for every artist. The black & white page contains information about you, whatever you want to tell the world. And there will be room for a black & white illustration as well.

Here's a mock-up of what we intend:


If you want to be in on it, send your submission to  We need the following:

The artwork needs to conform to a few rules:

The deadline for submissions is November 1st!

Send your submission to



