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And done!

Previous Post | Thursday, 9 June 2016 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

Of course, we should have posted this yesterday. Or earlier today! But when around midnight we opened the Champagne (only a half-bot, and it was off, too! Mumm, booh!), we all felt we were at the end of a long, long month! We, that's Boudewijn, Irina and Wolthera, gathered in Deventer for the occasion (and also for the Google Summer of Code). Over the past month, hundreds of bugs have been fixed, we've gone through an entire release cycle, we managed another successful Kickstarter campaign! Exhaustion had set in, and we went for a walk around scenic Deventer to look at cows, sheep, dogs, swans, piglets, ducklings, budgerigars and chickens, and lots of fresh early summer foliage.

But not all was laziness! Yesterday, all Kickstarter backers got their surveys, and over half have already returned them! Today, the people who backed us through paypal got their surveys, and we got a fair return rate as well! Currently, the score looks like this:

With runners up...

The special goals selected by the 1500 euro backers are Improving the Reference Docker and -- do what you developers think most fun! That's not an official stretch goal, but we've got some ideas...