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Winners Selected from Giveaway

Previous Post | Thursday, 5 November 2015 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

Written by Scott Petrovic

And the giveaway is over! I want to thank everyone for entering and showing your support for Krita. The amount of comments and love that is being shown for Krita is out of this world. With the 400+ entries, there were over 20,000 words that were written. The developers spend a lot of time helping people with issues related to Krita, graphics drivers, or tablets. It is refreshing to see that a lot of people are enjoying Krita the way it currently is.

Now for the winners…

  1. John Hattan
  2. AJ2600
  3. Waru
  4. Sam M.
  5. Otxoa

Congratulations! I have your email addresses and will be contacting you shortly. I ordered the copies last week but they haven’t arrived yet. I will sign and ship them off as soon as I can.

Any Other Way to Get Free Copies?

I lose at pretty much all giveaways that I enter like this. I also know that for some of you, a large reason you are using Krita is because it is free. This was your only shot. Paying for a book of any type is out of reach at the moment, no matter what the cost.

For those of you that really want the education and cannot afford the book, there might be another way to get it while supporting Krita. Did you know that many libraries will get you a book for free if you just ask them for it? I cannot speak for most countries, but I know this works in the USA. They don’t charge you for anything. I have done this recently with other books. Some library websites will have a request form that you can ask for books. If you fill that out, they usually respond back and let you know when/if it comes in.

Show Your Support

It is exciting for us volunteers to see that Krita is making a difference in people's lives. When people share their work in things like the monthly drawing challenge, it shows us that people are using and enjoying the software. If you have any skill sets that you would like to volunteer for, feel free to get in contact with us through the chatroom or forum.  Even beta testing helps new releases go smoother. There are plenty of ways to help Krita and keep it moving forward.