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Krita 2.9 Beta 2 is Out!

Previous Post | Thursday, 15 January 2015 | Reading time: 5 minutes | Next Post

Everyone has been working their fingers to the bone to get Krita 2.9 in tip-top shape. For Beta 2, there was a large focus on squishing bugs, fixing crashes, as well as finding memory leaks. There are way too many changes to include everything in the release notes, so here are some highlights from the past month (as well as some fresh builds to get your hands on!)


(Krita 2.9 beta 2, with a textured window background. Illustrations by David Revoy).

Boudewijn Rempt

Jouni Pentikainen

Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier

Sven Langkamp

Lukas Tvrdy (G'MIC)

Dmitry Kazakov

Timothee Giet

Stefano Bonicatti

Scott Petrovic (UI)

André Wöbbeking

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

Rishabh Saxena

Thorsten Zachmann


There are still  222 bugs at the moment, but quite a lot are rather minor. Lots and lots and lots of thanks to all the beta testers who have been sending in report after report!

For Linux users, Krita Lime has been updated. Remember that launchpad is very strict about the versions of Ubuntu it supports. So the update is only available for 14.04 and up.

OpenSUSE users can use the new OBS repositories created by Leinir:

Windows users can choose between an installer and the zip file. You can unzip the zip file anywhere and start Krita by executing bin/krita.exe. The Surface Pro 3 tablet offset issue has been fixed! We only have 64 bits Windows builds at the moment, we’re working on fixing a problem with the 32 bits build.

OSX users can open the dmg and copy where they want. Note that OSX still is not supported. There are OSX-specific bugs and some features are missing.

There will be a third beta, and afterwards -- the release!