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Krita 2.9.10

Previous Post | Wednesday, 9 December 2015 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

The tenth bugfix release already! There are quite a few fixes, though the focus these days is really on getting Krita 3.0 ready for the first alpha release. Of particular interest to owners of a system with an AMD processor is the option to disable vectorization support. That might improve performance, but only for users of AMD systems! We've also got a fix by a new contributor, Nicholas LaPointe!

Here's the full, unordered, list:

There are packages for Ubuntu Linux, Windows and OSX in the usual place! Steam users will be able to get the new packages shortly through the beta channel, and Stuart is also working on packages from the Animation branch. And speaking of animation... Later this week, we'll probably have new animation branch packages for Ubuntu Linux and Windows!