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Game Art Quest Kickstarter!

Previous Post | Monday, 23 November 2015 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

Today an exciting new crowdfunding campaign kicks off! Nathan Lovato, the author of Game Design Quest, wants to create a new series of video tutorials on creating 2D game art with Krita. Nathan is doing this on his own, but the Krita project, through the Krita Foundation, really wants this to happen! Over to Nathan, introducing his campaign:

"There are few learning resources dedicated to 2d game art. With Krita? Close to none. That is why I started working on Game Art Quest. This training will show you the techniques and concepts game artists use in their daily work. If you want to become a better artist, this one is for you."

"We are developing this project together with the Krita Foundation. This is an opportunity for Krita to reach new users and to sparkle the interest of the press. However, for this project to come to life, we need your help. A high quality training series requires months of full-time work to create. That is why we are crowdfunding it on Kickstarter."

"But who the heck am I to teach you game art? I’m Nathan, a professional game designer and tutor. I am the author of Game Design Quest, a YouTube channel filled with tutorials about game creation. Every Thursday, I release a new video. And I’ve done so since the start of the year, on top of my regular work. Over the months, my passion for open source technologies grew stronger. I discovered Krita 2.9 and felt really impressed by it. Krita deserves more attention."

"Long story short, Game Art Quest is live on Kickstarter. And its existence depends on you!"

"Even if you can’t afford to pledge, share the word on social networks! This would help immensely. Also, this campaign is not only supporting the production of the premium series. It will allow me to keep offering you free tutorials for the months to come. And for the whole duration of the campaign, you’re getting 2 tutorials every single week!"

Check out Nathan's campaign: