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More Tablets Supported by Krita

Previous Post | Thursday, 27 March 2014 | Reading time: 1 minutes | Next Post

The brand new graphics tablet support code Dmitry Kazakov has worked on for Krita 2.8 is bearing fruit. In the past week, Dmitry has improved and fixed support for many uc-logic based tablets on Linux. These tablets use the evdev driver, but they all use the driver in a different way! Some of them are very strange, one even reports itself as a keyboard to X11.

Examples of these tablets are Monoprice, Bosto, Huion or Genius. Check out his blog for the details! This is on Linux, of course, but Dmitry has also fixed support for Microsoft's Surface tablets's stylus and eraser.

This work has been made possible by the Krita Foundation using the development fund. Without sponsorship, Krita wouldn't see such rapid improvement, so if you use Krita, consider subscribing to the development fund!

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