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Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.

Previous Post | Sunday, 21 December 2014 | Reading time: 4 minutes | Next Post

Well, Marley might be dead, but Krita ain't! So, here's what'll be the last beta build of Krita before the festive season really breaks lose. Apart from building, the Krita hackers have had a pretty good week, with lots of deep discussions on animation and coding safety, too.

Oh -- and there's a seasonal surprise for you, if you start one of these builds!

In the new builds, not quite beta 2 yet, just another build in between the last beta and the next beta, there are the following fixes:

And that ties in with a lot of work Wolthera has done. Building on Victor Lafon's work earlier this year to make it possible to package resources -- brushes, gradients, patterns, everything -- in bundles, she's hit her stride and figured out what was broken and what needs to be added. But... It's already possible to load a bundle into Krita, and use the resources!


And here's the first bundle, with inking brushes! If you want to get into the game, remember, this is still barely ripe. Also check the brush preset guidelines!


There are still  230 bugs at the moment, down from 234, even though we fixed more than thirty bugs! Some of these bugs might cause dataloss, so users are recommended to use the beta builds for testing, not for critical work!

For Linux users, Krita Lime will be updated on Monday. Remember that launchpad is very strict about the versions of Ubuntu it supports. So the update is only available for 14.04 and up.

OpenSUSE users can use the new OBS repositories created by Leinir:

Windows users can choose between an installer and the zip file. You can unzip the zip file anywhere and start Krita by executing bin/krita.exe: this only works if you have the right Microsoft Visual Studio C runtime library. Otherwise, use the MSI file. We only have 64 bits Windows builds at the moment, we’re working on fixing a problem with the 32 bits build.

OSX users can open the dmg and copy where they want. Note that OSX still is not supported. There are OSX-specific bugs and some features are missing.