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Last week in Krita — week 18

Previous Post | Friday, 2 May 2014 | Reading time: 3 minutes | Next Post

It’s been a busy week at Krita development headquarters. And with so much work being done I feel proud to share all the great stuff that’s happening on the main development branch (Future 2.9).

Before going into specifics I want to mention that there have been a lot of improvements in the code, from styling, cleaning, optimizations, renaming and small performance tweaks to fixing bugs and code leaks. This work is an ongoing process and thanks to your bug reports we spend less time finding them and more time polishing and creating features.

Week 18 progress

This week’s major new additions:

This week’s major Bug fixes:

Selections in Gmic filters

Thanks to Lukáš Tvrdý Gmic support has been extended to work with Krita selections. Some of the initial selection glitches were solved this week, making Gmic’s versatile image processing library more comfortable to use.

Gmic selection mask

Color to alpha now as Adjustment layer.

Due to a bug in rendering we removed this filter from the adjustment layer menu. Beast took the task to fix it. Color to alpha, now with perfect rendering, is back.

Color to alpha filter mask

Posterize Filter (NEW)

This popular filter from other software tools is now available on Krita by the coding effort of Beast. The filter works either as a regular filter or in the layer stack as a filter/adjustment filter. We are sure this addition will allow you to get even more varied results.

Posterize Filter example

Krita Sketch and Gemini

Thanks to Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen and Arjen Hiemstra for their hard work on constantly improving the Sketch and Gemini experience. They have completed a huge number of bug fixes, performance enhancements and general optimizations to make both applications work better than before. The changes and fixes are so numerous that I decided to publish only the most significant. This fixes and improvements include:

In previous weeks

Previous weeks count with a number of interesting changes and development.

Krita and EXR

Dmitry Kazakov has stabilized and improved support for HDR images, specially in the following areas.

Other bugs fixed: BUG #333421

Image background Color

Resource Manager

Victor Lafon is working hard to implement the Resource Manager, a central place to manage all Krita assets: presets, brush tips, gradients, textures, palettes. When it’s done it will make it much easier to organize all assets.

Krita Resource Manager

Previous weeks' fixes and additions