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2013 Akademy Award for Timothée Giet!

Previous Post | Monday, 15 July 2013 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

Timothée Giet has received  the 2013 Jury's Akademy Award for  "Shaping the future and community of Krita". The other Akademy award recipients were Eike Hein for Best Application with Konversatiion, Vishesh Handa for Nepomuk and Kenny Duffus for all his work on Akademy.

A great opportunity to ask Thimothée some questions!



**Hi Timothée, How is your experience at Akademy?
**Very nice! It is my first Akademy participation. My Krita demo on Sunday morning went very well, a quite good attendance level for such early talk after the Akademy party organised the previous night. People seemed to enjoy it a lot! Then I'm happy I could finally meet in person many people from KDE community I only knew from internet before.

**How did you get involved in the community?
**I started getting involved in KDE community when, three years ago, I started using Krita with the goal to make comics with it. I spent a lot of time learning what was there, what worked and what had to be fixed, developing some workflow with the features already there. The Krita developer team was already very welcoming and friendly, and I quickly found my place there to help things progress.

**How did the community evolve since you are in it?
**When I started, very few people were using Krita occasionally, but somehow no one used it in really serious graphics project. Then, after some time working on it, those others early adopters could start switching more and more to Krita for serious work. Now, the community is growing really fast, and we see new talented users every week, if not every day.

**Where you surprised for the award?
**Yes, it was a big a surprise for me, I didn't expect it at all! I feel very lucky to have received such honour for my first time at Akademy.

**Well, you are very involved in our community and not everyone goes to Akademy to talk about Krita, so tell us, where do you see Krita in the future?
**If things keep going as they do, I see a very shiny future for Krita, with more artists adopting it and spreading the word. I guess we'll also start to see more and more big studios using it in production, for several different tasks, and also animation studios if the animation plugin project is successful

Thanks so much Timothée and congrats!