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Summer of Code 2013

Previous Post | Wednesday, 9 January 2013 | Reading time: 7 minutes | Next Post

You might not have noticed it, but it's that time of the year again. We're in 2013 now and before you know it, Google announces a new Summer of Code. Krita has always participated, and we might participate this year, too. But!

This year students applying for Krita should start getting into the community around January (that is now), fixing bugs and getting into the code base. Additionally, if  you think you want to participate with a Krita project, you should be honest with yourself: unless you already have a pretty good level of programming competence, it's not going to work. The easy things are done, now we've got some real challenges! There are no entry-level projects.

As a community, we also really insist on this: you're not in it for the summer, we need a firm commitment that you will maintain your work, branch out into the rest of Krita and join the project for the long term.

In return, you get to work on one of the coolest graphics applications out there, used by professional artists all over the world.

Here are some ideas for good Summer of Code projects -- but keep this in mind, if you use Krita and get passionate about fixing some thing or adding a big feature, then go ahead and propose it. It's passion, persistence and programming power  we're looking for!

  1. a new file format for storing animations based on Krita's native file format
  2. a gui for creating and manipulating animations
  3. a system to render animation frames
  1. The ability for Krita to load manually selected sequences of color managed images as frames to be represented as a single layer in Krita. Optionally would be the ability to display playback at reduced resolutions to increase performance and to offset the time at which sequences were inserted.
  2. A "Timeline" docker which would display the current frame displayed, and allow clicking and dragging to different points in time, updating the image displayed in the canvas to match. Optional would be the ability to zoom and scroll the timeline, mark modified frames on the timeline, playback the image sequence, forwards and backwards as video (most likely only in the openGL mode of Krita or with an external tool like ffplay) and display times in a range of formate EG SMTP, PAL, NTSC, Secam etc.
  3. Updating the paint and transparency layer types, so that when Krita is using a frame sequence and one of these layer types is created, they also represent a series of frames rather than just a single image. This could possibly be a toggle switch on layers, much as visibility, alpha lock etc. are now.
  4. The ability to save layers that are displaying frame sequences out as frame sequences also, giving them user definable names (eg where to insert the frame number, how many digits to pad).
  5. Keyboard shortcuts to move forwards and backwards 1/10/100 frames, to jump to the start and end of the timeline and forward / backwards play if video playback is supported.