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Krita around the web

Previous Post | Friday, 22 March 2013 | Reading time: 2 minutes | Next Post

A quick batch of cool links while I'm in London with David Revoy and Inge Wallin, "studying the VFX industry" -- learning a lot, actualy, about why Krita is awesome as part of a VFX workflow, and what can be better... And there is already work being done on features that are important for texture artists and matte painters"

Sponsored by the Krita Foundation, Dmitry Kazakov has improved the Color to Alpha filter beyond all recognition. His work was mentioned before on this website, but check out his blog to see what can be done to sweeten Tears of Steel.

Lukáš Tvrdý, a previous recipient of sponsored development, started working on improving support for texturing, implementing a layer offset tool. Read all about it on his blog and watch the cool demo video.

Two weeks ago, the Krita team assembled in the Linux Hotel in Essen-Horst. Sven Langkamp gives a report on his blog. Work on what has been discussed is already going on -- though obviously, we could use more helping hands. So if you want to be part of a fun, open, welcoming project, check out the Join Krita page Valerie created!

And while I don't think that we're really competing with Gimp -- Krita and Gimp have quite different target audiences, an article like this one by Carla Schroeder is always nice to read.

And did you know that Krita has already been used on real feature movies? I saw some actual footage yesterday. Awesome! It's always inspiring to see work done with Krita -- like David's warm-up images, or Ramon Miranda's landscapes.