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Call for Artwork for Akademy

Previous Post | Thursday, 7 March 2013 | Reading time: 1 minutes | Next Post

Akademy 2013 will be held in Bilbao from 13 to 19 July. More than just a developer hackfest, Akademy is the annual summit for all of KDE, one of the largest free software communities in the world. Developers, users, documentation writers, artists, tests, bug hunters and usability experts will get together -- and this year, they will be joined by the Qt developer community as well, since the 2013 Qt Contributors Summit will be co-located with Akademy!

A perfect opportunity to showcase the power of some KDE applications -- notably Krita, of course! There will be the possibility to print out six or so artworks made with Krita on a really large canvas and showcase them in the main entry hall.

And now we only need artwork! There are some basic rules:

If you want to show off your Krita skills to a wide audience, submit your artwork to the Krita gallery forum! Don't forget to tell us that it can be used for the Akademy showcase, too!